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Here you can browse the complete list of projects for PLCO whose requests for data/biospecimens were approved.

Name Principal Investigator Institution Study Date Approved Project ID
Ovarian Cancer - Ovarian Cysts and Cancer Risk Patricia Hartge NCI, DCEG, EBP PLCO Jul 1, 2006 2006-0122
Other Cancers - NHL and Tobacco/ Alcohol Lindsay Morton NCI, DCEG, REB PLCO Jul 1, 2006 2006-0124
Etiologic Studies: Overall Design of Study (Risk Factors for Screen Detected Adenoma) Richard Hayes NCI, DCEG, OEEB PLCO Jul 1, 2006 2006-0126
Metabolism-Related Polymorphisms in Colorectal Adenoma in the PLCO Trial Richard Hayes NCI, DCEG, OEEB PLCO Jul 1, 2006 2006-0127
Colorectal Adenoma Study Update and Expansion of Sample Size Richard Hayes NCI, DCEG, OEEB PLCO Jul 1, 2006 2006-0128
Whole Blood Cryopreservation Richard Hayes NCI, DCEG, OEEB PLCO Jul 1, 2006 2006-0129
Methods for Etiologic and Early Marker Investigations Richard Hayes NCI, DCEG, OEEB PLCO Jul 1, 2006 2006-0130
Prostate Cancer Detection with Negative PSA Screening Exams Richard Hayes NCI, DCEG, OEEB PLCO Jul 1, 2006 2006-0131
Cohort Consortium: Prostate Cancer Risk and Hormone Metabolizing Gene Variants. Steroidal Hormones and IGF Genetics and Biochemistry Richard Hayes NCI, DCEG, OEEB PLCO Jul 1, 2006 2006-0132
SHBG Genetics Richard Hayes NCI, DCEG, OEEB PLCO Jul 1, 2006 2006-0133
HSD17B1 Genetics Richard Hayes NCI, DCEG, OEEB PLCO Jul 1, 2006 2006-0134
Colorectal Adenoma and TGF-beta Polymorphisms Richard Hayes NCI, DCEG, OEEB PLCO Jul 1, 2006 2006-0135
TGFB1 and Associated Cell-Cycle Genes in Prostate in the PLCO Trial (TGFB1, e-cadherin, MMPs, gene variants) Richard Hayes NCI, DCEG, OEEB PLCO Jul 1, 2006 2006-0138
False Positives at T0 and What Happens Subsequently Ping Hu NCI, DCP, BRG PLCO Jul 1, 2006 2006-0196
Baseline Results Paper T0 Manuscript Martin Oken University of Minnesota PLCO Jul 1, 2006 2006-0197
Results of Screening for Ovarian Cancer for T0-T3 Edward Partridge University of Alabama PLCO Jul 1, 2006 2006-0198
Develop a Definitive Work-Up for Positive Lung Screening Exam William Hocking Marshfield Clinic PLCO Jul 1, 2006 2006-0139
Next Lung Subcommittee Paper: Analysis of T0-T3 data. William Hocking Marshfield Clinic PLCO Jul 1, 2006 2006-0140
CYP1a1 (Ile462) and NQO1 (Pro187Ser) Polymorphisms, Cigarette Use and Risk for Colorectal Adenoma Lifang Hou NCI, DCEG, OEEB PLCO Jul 1, 2006 2006-0145
Prostate Cancer, Insulin Resistance and Obesity: Biochemistry and Genetics Ann Hsing NCI, DCEG, HREB PLCO Jul 1, 2006 2006-0146