Preliminary applications will only be accepted from August 22, 2019 to February 17, 2020. If you plan to submit an EEMS application this cycle, an approved preliminary application is required. Once your preliminary application has been approved, you will be notified and you will be able to continue and submit a full application.
The full application deadline is April 2, 2020. The full applications will undergo panel review and final outcome notifications will be sent in early June 2020.
Information is available regarding the PLCO trial and PLCO biospecimens.
Please visit the EEMS Application for Biospecimens page to preview instructions about the process, review the EEMS Policies and Procedures, and begin an EEMS Preliminary Application for Biospecimens.
If you have any questions, please contact CDAS staff at
The following updates were made to the PLCO datasets available on CDAS:
- More events and follow-up time
- Cancer diagnoses are now censored at December 31, 2009
- Deaths are now censored at December 31, 2015
- Exit status updated to account for new cutoffs (note formats differ from previous versions)
- In 2011, a process was initiated to have active follow-up of PLCO participants at a Centralized Data Collection Center (CDCC). A new variable reconsent_outcome was added to summarize the outcome of this transfer and re-consent process.
- New Main Questionnaire data added
- Medication Use Questionnaire (MUQ)
- Changes were made to make like variables more consistent
- Site specific cancer variables are now [site]_cancer instead of cancer_[site]
- Personal history variables are now ph_[site]_[qx] instead of [qx]_cohort_[site]
- Death variables now start with d_ instead of dcf_
- Staging formats were updated to all be consistent.
The total population now has 154,887 participants. Over the course of the trial this number decreases due to participants withdrawing, improper consent at randomization or duplication at randomization.
Preliminary applications will only be accepted from August 14, 2019 to February 13, 2020. If you plan to submit an IDATA Biospecimen application this cycle, an approved preliminary application is required. Once your preliminary application has been approved, you will be notified and you will be able to continue and submit a full application.
The full application deadline is March 30, 2020. The full applications will undergo panel review and final outcome notifications will be sent by the end of May 2020.
Information is available regarding the IDATA study and IDATA biospecimens.
Please visit the IDATA Application for Biospecimens page to preview instructions about the process, review the IDATA Biospecimen Policies and Procedures, and begin an IDATA Preliminary Application for Biospecimens.
If you have any questions, please contact CDAS staff at
The following updates were made to the IDATA datasets available on CDAS:
- ASA24 added Food Patterns Equivalent Database (FPED) variables.
- DHQ Food Frequency records moved from first to second administration.
The following updates were made to the PLCO datasets available on CDAS:
- New Main Questionnaire data added: Medication Use Questionnaire