Preliminary applications will only be accepted until February 15, 2018. If you plan to submit an EEMS application this cycle, an approved preliminary application is required. Once your preliminary application has been approved, you will be notified and you will be able to continue and submit a full application. The deadline for full application submission is April 2, 2018.
Information is available regarding the PLCO trial and PLCO biospecimens.
Please visit the EEMS Application for Biospecimens page to preview instructions about the process, review the EEMS Policies and Procedures, and begin an EEMS Preliminary Application for Biospecimens.
If you have any questions, please contact CDAS staff at
Data version: 2011.02.03/10.05.17
- New SCT screening image variables added to Participant file
- Lung Cancer Progression dataset variables incorporated into Participant file
- Option to download SAS7bdat or CSV now available
The following updates were made to the IDATA datasets available on CDAS:
There were minor fixes for the ASA24, Urine Collection, Participant and ACT24 datasets. There is new instrument data for the Harvard PAQ, Stanford PAQ, Four Day Food Record, and their associated accounting files.
Preliminary applications for PLCO EEMS Round 24 will only be accepted from July 3 through August 15, 2017. If you plan to submit an EEMS Application for Biospecimens this cycle, an approved preliminary application is required. Once your preliminary application has been approved, you will be notified and you will be able to continue and submit a full application. The deadline for full application submission is October 2, 2017.
Information is available regarding the PLCO trial and PLCO biospecimens
If you have any questions, please contact CDAS staff at
Preliminary applications will only be accepted from May 15, 2017 through July 17, 2017. If you plan to submit a grant application this cycle, an approved preliminary grant application is required. Please see PAR Application for Biospecimens and Funding for more information. Once your preliminary grant application has been approved, you will receive a confirmation letter to accompany your grant application.
Information is available regarding the PLCO trial and PLCO biospecimens
If you have any questions, please contact CDAS staff at