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Publication Year
Title PubMed Authors Journal Year Studies
Examining whether lung screening changes risk perceptions: National Lung Screening Trial participants at 1-year follow-up. 23280348 Park ER, Gareen IF, Jain A, Ostroff JS, Duan F, Sicks JD, Rakowski W, Diefenbach M, Rigotti NA Cancer 2013 NLST
Interstitial lung abnormalities in a CT lung cancer screening population: prevalence and progression rate. 23513242 Jin GY, Lynch D, Chawla A, Garg K, Tammemagi MC, Sahin H, Misumi S, Kwon KS Radiology 2013 NLST
Identifying and collecting pertinent medical records for centralized abstraction in a multi-center randomized clinical trial: the model used by the American College of Radiology arm of the National Lung Screening Trial. 22982342 Gareen IF, Sicks JD, Jain AA, Moline D, Coffman-Kadish N Contemp Clin Trials 2013 NLST
Targeting of low-dose CT screening according to the risk of lung-cancer death. 23863051 Kovalchik SA, Tammemagi M, Berg CD, Caporaso NE, Riley TL, Korch M, Silvestri GA, Chaturvedi AK, Katki HA N. Engl. J. Med. 2013 NLST
Effective dose assessment for participants in the National Lung Screening Trial undergoing posteroanterior chest radiographic examinations. 23789668 Kruger R, Flynn MJ, Judy PF, Cagnon CH, Seibert JA AJR Am J Roentgenol 2013 NLST
The National Lung Screening Trial: results stratified by demographics, smoking history, and lung cancer histology. 24037918 Pinsky PF, Church TR, Izmirlian G, Kramer BS Cancer 2013 NLST
ROC curves for low-dose CT in the National Lung Screening Trial. 24009092 Pinsky PF, Gierada DS, Nath H, Kazerooni EA, Amorosa J J Med Screen 2013 NLST
Results of the two incidence screenings in the National Lung Screening Trial. 24004119 Aberle DR, DeMello S, Berg CD, Black WC, Brewer B, Church TR, Clingan KL, Duan F, Fagerstrom RM, Gareen IF, Gatsonis CA, Gierada DS, Jain A, Jones GC, Mahon I, Marcus PM, Rathmell JM, Sicks J, National Lung Screening Trial Research Team N. Engl. J. Med. 2013 NLST
Tracking and tracing of participants in two large cancer screening trials. 22561392 Marcus PM, Childs J, Gahagan B, Gren LH Contemp Clin Trials 2012 NLST, PLCO
Reader variability in identifying pulmonary nodules on chest radiographs from the national lung screening trial. 22627615 Singh SP, Gierada DS, Pinsky P, Sanders C, Fineberg N, Sun Y, Lynch D, Nath H J Thorac Imaging 2012 NLST
Recruitment methods employed in the National Lung Screening Trial. 22653572 Marcus PM, Lenz S, Sammons D, Black W, Garg K J Med Screen 2012 NLST
Computer-aided nodule detection and volumetry to reduce variability between radiologists in the interpretation of lung nodules at low-dose screening computed tomography. 22717879 Jeon KN, Goo JM, Lee CH, Lee Y, Choo JY, Lee NK, Shim MS, Lee IS, Kim KG, Gierada DS, Bae KT Invest Radiol 2012 NLST
Equating quantitative emphysema measurements on different CT image reconstructions. 21928661 Bartel ST, Bierhals AJ, Pilgram TK, Hong C, Schechtman KB, Conradi SH, Gierada DS Med Phys 2011 NLST
Reduced lung-cancer mortality with low-dose computed tomographic screening. 21714641 National Lung Screening Trial Research Team, Aberle DR, Adams AM, Berg CD, Black WC, Clapp JD, Fagerstrom RM, Gareen IF, Gatsonis C, Marcus PM, Sicks JD N. Engl. J. Med. 2011 NLST
The National Lung Screening Trial: overview and study design. 21045183 National Lung Screening Trial Research Team, Aberle DR, Berg CD, Black WC, Church TR, Fagerstrom RM, Galen B, Gareen IF, Gatsonis C, Goldin J, Gohagan JK, Hillman B, Jaffe C, Kramer BS, Lynch D, Marcus PM, Schnall M, Sullivan DC, Sullivan D, Zylak CJ Radiology 2011 NLST
The National Lung Screening Trial's Endpoint Verification Process: determining the cause of death. 21782037 Marcus PM, Gareen IF, Miller AB, Rosenbaum J, Keating K, Aberle DR, Berg CD Contemp Clin Trials 2011 NLST
In vivo detection of acinar microstructural changes in early emphysema with (3)He lung morphometry. 21734160 Quirk JD, Lutey BA, Gierada DS, Woods JC, Senior RM, Lefrak SS, Sukstanskii AL, Conradi MS, Yablonskiy DA Radiology 2011 NLST
Quantitative CT assessment of emphysema and airways in relation to lung cancer risk. 21900623 Gierada DS, Guniganti P, Newman BJ, Dransfield MT, Kvale PA, Lynch DA, Pilgram TK Radiology 2011 NLST
Lung cancer screening with low-dose helical CT: results from the National Lung Screening Trial (NLST). 22045816 Kramer BS, Berg CD, Aberle DR, Prorok PC J Med Screen 2011 NLST
Estimated radiation dose associated with low-dose chest CT of average-size participants in the National Lung Screening Trial. 22021510 Larke FJ, Kruger RL, Cagnon CH, Flynn MJ, McNitt-Gray MM, Wu X, Judy PF, Cody DD AJR Am J Roentgenol 2011 NLST