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Here you can browse the complete list of projects on CDAS whose requests for data/biospecimens were approved.

Name Principal Investigator Institution Study Date Approved Project ID
Designing and Implementing a Database Infrastructure for Large-Scale Biomedical Data Frank Meng UCLA NLST Mar 16, 2015 NLST-130
Impact of Lung Cancer Screening on Lung Cancer mortality in COPD patients Juan Wisnivesky Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai NLST Mar 13, 2015 NLST-128
Survival and comorbidities among persons eligible for lung cancer screening David Howard Emory University NLST Mar 13, 2015 NLST-127
Pre- and Post-diagnostic NSAID Use and Prostate Cancer Mortality among Prostate Cancer Cases Michael Cook HREB/DCEG/NCI PLCO Mar 13, 2015 PLCO-136
Association between Genetic Variation and Gall Bladder Stones and Inflammation Jill Koshiol NCI PLCO Mar 11, 2015 PLCO-134
Screening for COPD with Lung CT Densitometry Charles Hatt Imbio LLC NLST Mar 11, 2015 NLST-125
Renal Cancer and Incidental Findings on Low-Dose CT Paul Pinsky NCI NLST Mar 11, 2015 NLST-126
Epigenetic markers of multiple myeloma risk in peripheral blood DNA Kathryn Barry University of Maryland School of Medicine PLCO Mar 9, 2015 2015-0058
Serum inflammation markers and esophageal adenocarcinoma risk Michael Cook DCEG - Other PLCO Mar 9, 2015 2015-0056
Serum Levels of Autoantibodies and the Risk of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma and Multiple Myeloma Jonathan Hofmann DCEG - Other PLCO Mar 9, 2015 2015-0051
Pooled analysis of prospective cohort studies: the association between sex steroid hormones and esophageal/gastric cardia adenocarcinoma incidence Jessica Petrick NCI, DCEG, HREB PLCO Mar 9, 2015 2015-0040
Development and validation of an oral cancer risk prediction model Anil Chaturvedi National Cancer institute PLCO Mar 9, 2015 PLCO-133
The Pan-Canadian Early Detection of Lung Cancer Study:Cost-effectiveness of risk-stratification in lung cancer screening selection and nodule management in Canada Sonya Cressman British Columbia Cancer Research Institute NLST Mar 5, 2015 NLST-122
Precise ENB navigation to lung lesions for diagnosis and therapy through modelling of lung deformations Nicolas Merlet Medtronic-Covidien NLST Mar 4, 2015 NLST-124
Impact of CT Exposure Characteristic on Irreversible Compressibility and its Effect on Classification into Benign and Malignant Categories David Clunie PixelMed NLST Mar 2, 2015 NLST-123
Dietary predictors of colorectal adenoma in different racial subgroups using three different methods of dietary evaluation Alyson Haslam University of Georgia PLCO Feb 25, 2015 PLCO-131
Clinical decision support system Çağlar Kılıkçıer Uludag University NLST Feb 13, 2015 NLST-121
Big Data Assisted Lung Nodule Detection Timo Bremer Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory NLST Feb 13, 2015 NLST-120
Guidelines for Management of Small Pulmonary Nodules Heber MacMahon University of Chicago NLST Feb 5, 2015 NLST-118
Quantitative image analysis of lung nodules Ruijiang Li Stanford University NLST Feb 5, 2015 NLST-116