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Here you can browse the complete list of projects on CDAS whose requests for data/biospecimens were approved.

Name Principal Investigator Institution Study Date Approved Project ID
Angiogenic Profile and Risk of Breast Cancer in Postmenopausal Women Roni Falk NCI PLCO Sep 24, 2010 2010-0205
Serum Vitamin D and Risk of Bladder Cancer Alison Mondul NCI PLCO Sep 23, 2010 2010-0178
The Oral Microbiome and Upper Aerodigestive Squamous Cell Cancer Richard Hayes NYU Langone Medical Center PLCO Sep 23, 2010 2010-0169
A prospective study of immunologic markers and risk of lymphoid malignancies Mark Purdue NCI, DCEG, OEEB PLCO Sep 23, 2010 2010-0145
Risk of renal cell carcinoma in relation to global DNA methylation in peripheral blood leukocytes Linda Liao NCI, DCEG, OEEB PLCO Sep 23, 2010 2010-0126
A GWAS Study of Metastatic Disease Neil Caporaso NCI, DCEG, GEB PLCO Sep 9, 2010 2010-0101
Utilizing PLCO Prostate Survival Data to predict mortality in chemoprevention studies Paul Pinsky NCI, DCP, EDRG PLCO Aug 26, 2010 2010-0141
Natural History of Polyps Observed at Flexible Sigmoidoscopy Adeyinka Laiyemo NCI, DCP, BRG PLCO Aug 5, 2010 2010-0062
Diabetes and risk of incident breast cancer in the PLCO cohort Pamela Marcus NCI, DCP, BRG PLCO Aug 5, 2010 2010-0231
Bisphosphonates as Chemoprevention Sharon Hensley Alford Henry Ford Health System PLCO Jul 8, 2010 2009-0264
Identification and characterization of common genetic variants associated with circulating CA-125 Hannah Yang NCI, DCEG, HREB PLCO Jul 1, 2010 2010-0092
Assessing the predictive ability of a group of ovarian biomarkers Paul Pinsky NCI, DCP, EDRG PLCO May 13, 2010 2010-0070
A genome wide association study of alcohol intake Neal Freedman NCI, DCEG, NEB PLCO Apr 29, 2010 2010-0051
Lifestyle risk factors for head and neck cancer Mia Hashibe University of Utah PLCO Apr 29, 2010 2010-0067
Genetic Determinants (including from GWAS) of Serum Micronutrient Concentrations Demetrius Albanes NCI, DCEG, NEB PLCO Apr 22, 2010 2010-0069
Epigenotyping in Peripheral Blood Cell DNA and Risk of Breast Cancer Susan Sturgeon UMASS Amherst PLCO Mar 3, 2010 2009-0553
Genetic susceptibility to endometrial cancer risk in PLCO Nicolas Wentzensen MD NCI, DCEG, HREB PLCO Mar 1, 2010 2010-0050
Metabolomic profiles as predictors of colorectal cancer risk Rashmi Sinha NCI/DCEG PLCO Mar 1, 2010 2010-0047
A genome-wide association study of non-Hodgkin lymphoma Sonja Berndt NCI, DCEG, OEEB PLCO Mar 1, 2010 2010-0008