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Here you can browse the complete list of projects on CDAS whose requests for data/biospecimens were approved.

Name Principal Investigator Institution Study Date Approved Project ID
Identifying risk factors for depression and the role of depression in cancer Lei Zhang Uniformed Services University PLCO Aug 22, 2022 PLCO-1027
Detecting Lung Cancer by Applying SOTA Deep Learning Models to Chest X-Ray Images QINGZHONG LIU Sam Houston State University PLCO Aug 22, 2022 PLCOI-1024
Prediction of Absolute Risk of Ovarian and Endometrial Cancer Sokbom Kang National Cancer Center, Korea PLCO Aug 22, 2022 PLCO-1023
Determination of the association between BDNF, a potential biomarker, and depression in patients with cancer Lei Zhang Uniformed Services University PLCO Aug 22, 2022 PLCO-1021
Fatty acids intake with emphasis on trans fatty acids and risks of Breast cancer and Colorectal Cancer Paolo Boffetta The Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences (DIMEC), the University of Bologna PLCO Aug 22, 2022 PLCO-1018
AI cancer detection project TAEHEE KIM Radisen Co.Ltd. PLCO Aug 22, 2022 PLCOI-1022
Labeling and identification of pulmonary nodules kun tie BEIJING HEALTHINGKON TECHNOLOGY CO.LTD NLST Aug 22, 2022 NLST-947
Mitigating measurement error and missing data impact on analysis of food frequency questionnaire data using machine learning methods Jennifer Frediani Emory University IDATA Aug 22, 2022 IDATA-56
A systematic evaluation of dietary and behavioral factors associated with renal cell carcinoma risk and survival Xin Xu First Affiliated Hospital, School of Medicine, Zhejiang University PLCO Aug 9, 2022 PLCO-1020
The interaction effects of genetic susceptibility and biliary tract diseases and the incidence of gastrointestinal cancer Ci Song Nanjing Medical University PLCO Aug 4, 2022 PLCO-1016
Image quality assessment of digitized chest X ray images Tomoki Nakamizo Radiation Effects Research Foundation PLCO Aug 4, 2022 PLCOI-1017
Association of the oral microbiome with breast cancer incidence Emily Vogtmann National Cancer Institute PLCO Aug 2, 2022 2022-0007
Bladder Cancer Data Visualization OMAR GALDAMEZ CRUZ CENTRO DE DISEÑO Y COMUNICACION, S.C. PLCO Aug 2, 2022 PLCO-1011
Prognostic factors in HER2-positive breast cancer Reem Chamseddine Weill Cornell Medicine-Qatar PLCO Aug 2, 2022 PLCO-1014
Clarifying the relationship between body mass index and lung cancer using causal inference methods Rajat Das Gupta University of South Carolina PLCO Aug 2, 2022 PLCO-1010
Dietary Intake of Phytoestrogens and Risk of Pancreatic Cancer in the PLCO Trial Chunliang Liu Second Hospital of Shanxi Medical University PLCO Aug 2, 2022 PLCO-1009
A semi-supervised deep clustering framework for personalized post-test risk-stratification in lung cancer screening Stefano Diciotti Department of Electrical, Electronic, and Information Engineering "Guglielmo Marconi" (DEI), Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna NLST Aug 2, 2022 NLST-942
A Phase II extension of the use of cg05575921 Methylation to predict risk for lung cancer Robert Philibert Behavioral Diagnostics PLCO Aug 1, 2022 2022-0014
Characterization of serum immuno-oncology biomarker levels in PLCO participants with mosaic chromosomal alterations Mitchell Machiela National Cancer Institute PLCO Aug 1, 2022 2022-0022
Survival Analysis and the Effect of Censoring for Lung Cancer Azar Shahraz AstraZeneca PLCO Jul 22, 2022 PLCO-991