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Here you can browse the complete list of projects on CDAS whose requests for data/biospecimens were approved.

Name Principal Investigator Institution Study Date Approved Project ID
Academic Research using Deep Learning of PLCO's Lung data Zean Liu Harbin Institute of Technology PLCO Jul 22, 2022 PLCO-1008
Deep learning based prognosis prediction for lung cancer patients Danqing Hu Zhejiang lab PLCO Jul 22, 2022 PLCOI-1005
Development and validation of a survival model for lung cancer using pathological images Zhangxin Zhao Southern Medical University NLST Jul 22, 2022 NLST-940
Deep learning based lymph node metastasis and prognosis prediction for lung cancer Danqing Hu Zhejiang lab NLST Jul 22, 2022 NLST-939
Prediction of lung cancer brain metastasis risk with low-dose CT Bangxia Suo Renmin University of China NLST Jul 22, 2022 NLST-937
Pulmonary nodule classification based on deep learning wan chaungye Medical Imaging Laboratory, School of Software, Nankai University NLST Jul 15, 2022 NLST-936
Microsimulation model for lung cancer screening in New Zealand Nokuthaba Sibanda Victoria University of Wellington NLST Jul 14, 2022 NLST-935
Identification of Risk Factors and Patient Populations at Risk for Developing Cancer of the Head and Neck Jay Piccirillo Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis PLCO Jul 14, 2022 PLCO-1003
Screening for ovarian cancer in women with a personal or family history of breast or ovarian cancer Nathan Bromham National Institute for Health and Care Excellence PLCO Jul 12, 2022 PLCO-1002
Computed tomographic detection of necrotic lung nodules TIMOTHY CLOUSER Quantitative Imaging Solutions, LLC NLST Jul 12, 2022 NLST-930
A Systematic Review of the Validity of Dietary Assessment Methods for Measuring Energy Intake of Adults with Class III Obesity Valisa Hedrick Virginia Tech IDATA Jul 5, 2022 IDATA-55
Developing a multi-marker diagnostic test with predictive model enhancements for early-stage (Stage-1) Ovarian cancer Srinagesh Satyanarayana Kaya17 PLCO Jul 1, 2022 PLCO-1000
Expanded Genome-Wide Association Study of Renal Cell Carcinoma Mark Purdue Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health PLCO Jul 1, 2022 PLCO-999
Cancer risk prediction for self evaluation to create cancer awareness Loise Mwarangu Artificial Intelligence Center for Excellence PLCO Jul 1, 2022 PLCO-993
Sharing PLCO oncoarray genotyping and covariate data with the African Ancestry Breast Cancer Consortium Thomas Ahearn Division of Cancer Genetics and Epidemiology, NCI PLCO Jul 1, 2022 PLCO-1001
Deep Predictive Clustering of Irregular Time Series Data for Prostate Cancer Risk and Its Explainability Vanessa Tschichold Norwegian University of Science and Technology PLCO Jun 24, 2022 PLCO-996
A genome wide association study of Helicobacter pylori infection and the causal effect between Helicobacter pylori infection and digestive tract diseases Chuanwen Fan WEST CHINA FOURTH HOSPITAL PLCO Jun 24, 2022 PLCO-989
The association between vitamins intake and cancer risk and mortality of gastrointestinal cancer Chuanwen Fan WEST CHINA FOURTH HOSPITAL PLCO Jun 22, 2022 PLCO-990
Using Machine Learning algorithms to predict breast cancer in women, using Electronic Health Record information. Maya Carswell University Of Liverpool PLCO Jun 22, 2022 PLCO-994
AI Information Design in Radiological Decision Making Pranav Rajpurkar Harvard Medical School NLST Jun 22, 2022 NLST-926