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Here you can browse the complete list of projects on CDAS whose requests for data/biospecimens were approved.

Name Principal Investigator Institution Study Date Approved Project ID
Pilot Study of Feasibility and Importance of Evaluating Impact of PLCO Screening on HRQL of Participants Timothy Church University of Minnesota PLCO Jul 1, 2006 2006-0056
Perception of Discomfort During Sigmoidoscopic Examination Timothy Church University of Minnesota PLCO Jul 1, 2006 2006-0057
Prediction of PSA >4 Among Men with Normal DRE and PSA < 4 David Crawford Univeristy of Colorado Health Science Center PLCO Jul 1, 2006 2006-0063
Prostate Cancer Dietary Factors - Meat Related Mutagens (Heterocyclic amines in meat cooked at high temperature and prostate cancer ) Amanda Cross NCI, DCEG, NEB PLCO Jul 1, 2006 2006-0066
Prostate Cancer Other Factors-Family History Juan Alguacil NCI, DCEG, OEEB PLCO Jul 1, 2006 2006-0026
A Case/Control Study of Polymorphisms in Cyclooxygenases Involved in Arachidonic Acid Pathway in Colorectal Adenomas Iqbal Ali NCI, DCP, LCP PLCO Jul 1, 2006 2006-0027
Gene Polymorphisms Involved in Methylation Pathway and Prostate Cancer in the PLCO Trial - DNMT1, MTHFR, MTR, MTRR, CBS Iqbal Ali NCI, DCP, LCP PLCO Jul 1, 2006 2006-0028
Prostate Cancer and Prostate - Linked Gene Verification Julius Gudmundsson deCODE Genetics PLCO Jul 1, 2006 2006-0029
Prostate Baseline Results Paper Gerald Andriole Washington University in St. Louis PLCO Jul 1, 2006 2006-0030
Overview of Trends from Repeated PSA Screening for Prostate Cancer: Report from the PLCO Cancer Screening Trial (The next results of screening Post T0 Paper using T0-T3 data) Gerald Andriole Washington University in St. Louis PLCO Jul 1, 2006 2006-0031
Detailed Analysis from Repeated PSA Screening for Prostate Cancer from the T0-T3 Study Years Douglas Reding Marshfield Clinic Foundation PLCO Jul 1, 2006 2006-0033
BMI and Impact on Screening for Prostate Cancer Robert Grubb Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis PLCO Jul 1, 2006 2006-0034
Colorectal Adenoma and DNA Repair SNPs (Double Strand Breaks) Sonja Berndt NCI, DCEG, OEEB PLCO Jul 1, 2006 2006-0037
CA-125 Velocity Jian-Lun Xu NCI, DCP, BRG PLCO Jul 1, 2006 2006-0043
Breast Cancer Detection in Intervention versus Control Arms Saundra Buys University of Utah PLCO Jul 1, 2006 2006-0045
Ovarian Baseline Results Paper Saundra Buys University of Utah PLCO Jul 1, 2006 2006-0046
Genetic Variants of Dopamine Receptors and Smoking Neil Caporaso NCI, DCEG, GEB PLCO Jul 1, 2006 2006-0047
Genetic Predictors of Emphysema Neil Caporaso NCI, DCEG, GEB PLCO Jul 1, 2006 2006-0048
Breast Cancer-BMI, Energy Intake, Physical Activity Shih-Chen Chang NCI, DCEG, NEB PLCO Jul 1, 2006 2006-0050
Alpha-methylacyl-CoA Racemase: A Potential Common Gene for the Risk of Colorectal Cancer and/or Prostate Cancer Sarah Daughterty NCI, DCEG, OEEB PLCO Jul 1, 2006 2006-0069