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Publication Year
Title PubMed Authors Journal Year Studies
Perinodular Parenchymal Features Improve Indeterminate Lung Nodule Classification. 35933282 Masquelin AH, Alshaabi T, Cheney N, Estépar RSJ, Bates JHT, Kinsey CM Acad Radiol 2023 NLST
Recurrence After Surgery for Non-small-cell Lung Cancer in the National Lung Screening Trial. 37356517 Potter AL, Costantino CL, Suliman RA, Haridas CS, Senthil P, Kumar A, Mayne NR, Panda N, Martin LW, Jeffrey Yang CF Ann Thorac Surg 2023 NLST
AI Body Composition in Lung Cancer Screening: Added Value Beyond Lung Cancer Detection. 37489991 Xu K, Khan MS, Li TZ, Gao R, Terry JG, Huo Y, Lasko TA, Carr JJ, Maldonado F, Landman BA, Sandler KL Radiology 2023 NLST
Quantifying emphysema in lung screening computed tomography with robust automated lobe segmentation. 37469854 Li TZ, Hin Lee H, Xu K, Gao R, Dawant BM, Maldonado F, Sandler KL, Landman BA J Med Imaging (Bellingham) 2023 NLST
Overestimation of screening-related complications in the National Lung Screening Trial. 36503729 Kamel MK, Kariyawasam S, Stiles B J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2023 NLST
An Effective Malignancy Prediction Model for Incidentally Detected Pulmonary Subsolid Nodules Based on Current and Prior CT Scans. 37596166 Li S, Chen M, Wang Y, Li X, Gao G, Luo X, Tang L, Liu X, Wu N Clin Lung Cancer 2023 NLST
ConvLSTM coordinated longitudinal transformer under spatio-temporal features for tumor growth prediction. 37562325 Ma M, Zhang X, Li Y, Wang X, Zhang R, Wang Y, Sun P, Wang X, Sun X Comput Biol Med 2023 NLST
Prior CT Improves Deep Learning for Malignancy Risk Estimation of Screening-detected Pulmonary Nodules. 37526548 Venkadesh KV, Aleef TA, Scholten ET, Saghir Z, Silva M, Sverzellati N, Pastorino U, van Ginneken B, Prokop M, Jacobs C Radiology 2023 NLST
Overall Survival Among Patients With De Novo Stage IV Metastatic and Distant Metastatic Recurrent Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer. 37751203 Su CC, Wu JT, Choi E, Myall NJ, Neal JW, Kurian AW, Stehr H, Wood D, Henry SM, Backhus LM, Leung AN, Wakelee HA, Han SS JAMA Netw Open 2023 NLST
Level of Education Matters in Regard to Participants' Compliance With Screening in the National Lung Screening Trial. 37732698 Alali AA J Thorac Imaging 2023 NLST
Assessing eligibility for lung cancer screening using parsimonious ensemble machine learning models: A development and validation study. 37788223 Callender T, Imrie F, Cebere B, Pashayan N, Navani N, van der Schaar M, Janes SM PLoS Med 2023 NLST, PLCO
Lung-Reporting and Data System 2.0: Impact of the Updated Approach to Juxtapleural Nodules During Lung Cancer Screening Using the National Lung Cancer Screening Trial Data Set. 37889546 Chelala L, Hossain R, Jeudy J, Nader Z, Kastner J, White C J Thorac Imaging 2023 NLST
Absolute lung cancer risk increases among individuals with >15 quit-years: Analyses to inform the update of the American Cancer Society lung cancer screening guidelines. 37909885 Landy R, Cheung LC, Young CD, Chaturvedi AK, Katki HA Cancer 2023 NLST, PLCO
Benefit-to-radiation-risk of low-dose computed tomography lung cancer screening. 37909872 Hendrick RE, Smith RA Cancer 2023 NLST
Age-related Muscle Fat Infiltration in Lung Screening Participants: Impact of Smoking Cessation. 38106099 Xu K, Li TZ, Terry JG, Krishnan AR, Deppen SA, Huo Y, Maldonado F, Carr JJ, Landman BA, Sandler KL medRxiv 2023 NLST
Privacy-preserving analysis of time-to-event data under nested case-control sampling. 38093410 Juwara L, Yang YA, Velly AM, Saha-Chaudhuri P Stat Methods Med Res 2023 NLST
Modeling oral cancer screening in the United States population. 34864525 Cramer JD, Grauer J Oral Oncol 2022 NLST
Long-term Outcomes After Lung Cancer Resection in Smokers: Analysis of the National Lung Screening Trial. 34591149 Sesti J, Decker J, Bell J, Nguyen A, Lackey A, Turner AL, Hilden P, Paul S World J Surg 2022 NLST
Surgical Outcomes in the National Lung Screening Trial Compared With Contemporary Practice. 35007506 Savitch SL, Zheng R, Abdelsattar ZM, Barta JA, Okusanya OT, Evans NR, Grenda TR Ann Thorac Surg 2022 NLST
Incidence of Head and Neck Cancer With Lung Cancer Screening: Secondary Analysis of a Randomized Controlled Trial. 34984679 Jassal JS, Grauer JS, Cramer JD Laryngoscope 2022 NLST