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Publication Year
Results: 326 (Showing 321 to 326)
Title PubMed Authors Journal Year Studies
Final results of the Lung Screening Study, a randomized feasibility study of spiral CT versus chest X-ray screening for lung cancer. 15603850 Gohagan JK, Marcus PM, Fagerstrom RM, Pinsky PF, Kramer BS, Prorok PC, Ascher S, Bailey W, Brewer B, Church T, Engelhard D, Ford M, Fouad M, Freedman M, Gelmann E, Gierada D, Hocking W, Inampudi S, Irons B, Johnson CC, Jones A, Kucera G, Kvale P, La… Lung Cancer 2005 NLST, LSS
Diagnostic procedures after a positive spiral computed tomography lung carcinoma screen. 15529306 Pinsky PF, Marcus PM, Kramer BS, Freedman M, Nath H, Kvale P, Reding D Cancer 2005 NLST, LSS
Baseline findings of a randomized feasibility trial of lung cancer screening with spiral CT scan vs chest radiograph: the Lung Screening Study of the National Cancer Institute. 15249451 Gohagan J, Marcus P, Fagerstrom R, Pinsky P, Kramer B, Prorok P, Writing Committee, Lung Screening Study Research Group Chest 2004 NLST, LSS
Economic, legal, and ethical rationales for the ACRIN national lung screening trial of CT screening for lung cancer. 12643562 Hillman BJ, ACRIN Acad Radiol 2003 NLST
Chest radiography as the comparison for spiral CT in the National Lung Screening Trial. 12809426 Church TR, National Lung Screening Trial Executive Committee Acad Radiol 2003 NLST
The National Cancer Institute Multi-Screening Trial. 8853500 Prorok P Can J Oncol 1994 NLST