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Here you can browse the complete list of projects on CDAS whose requests for data/biospecimens were approved.

Name Principal Investigator Institution Study Date Approved Project ID
Is Surgical Resection The Best Option For Colorectal Cancer Patients? Ava Vessali Northeastern PLCO Mar 7, 2022 PLCO-939
Effect of pregnancy and risk for ovarian cancer Sachi Horibata Michigan State University PLCO Mar 7, 2022 PLCO-938
ORIENT: tOwaRds Informed dEcisions iN colorecTal cancer screening. Guido Van Hal The University of Antwerp PLCO Mar 7, 2022 PLCO-937
Alcohol,Dietary fibre and pan-cancer:construction of a polygenic risk model. jianbo Tian School of Health Public Wuhan University PLCO Mar 7, 2022 PLCO-936
Apply new statistical methods to assess screening efficacy in PLCO trial addressing overdiagnosis Ying Huang Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center PLCO Mar 7, 2022 PLCO-935
Apply new statistical methods to assess screening efficacy in NLST trial addressing overdiagnosis ying huang Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center NLST Mar 7, 2022 NLST-891
Thyroid carcinoma relation with ovaries using Machine Learning Techniques Geetanjali Rave Ramaiah Institute of Technology NLST Mar 2, 2022 NLST-890
Early Detection of Ovarian Cancer with Interpretable AI Weitong Huang The Australian National University PLCO Mar 2, 2022 PLCO-933
Application and Analysis of Mathematical tools in biological model Priya Dubey Amity University PLCO Mar 2, 2022 PLCO-934
Interaction analysis between genetic risk and environmental factors of prostate, bladder and renal cancer Sipeng Shen Nanjing Medical University PLCO Mar 2, 2022 PLCO-932
The interaction effects of genetic susceptibility and life exposures on human metabolomics and liver cancer risk and related mortality Ci Song Nanjing Medical University PLCO Mar 2, 2022 PLCO-929
Predicting Endometriosis Using Machine Learning Jessica Duffield University of the West of England PLCO Mar 2, 2022 PLCO-928
Statistical Modelling on Colon Cancer Nessrin Bukhshim University of South Florida PLCO Mar 2, 2022 PLCO-925
Subtype and grade classification using histopathologic slides Gal Aviram Curatio - DL PLCO Mar 2, 2022 PLCOI-924
Treatments Choices Distribution and Survival Outcomes in Different Age Groups Prostate Cancer Limin Zhang Fuda University PLCO Mar 2, 2022 PLCO-923
A Deep Learning Model for Improved Cancer Risk Prediction in Sequential Lung Screening X-Rays Regina Barzilay Massachusetts Institute of Technology PLCO Feb 17, 2022 PLCOI-919
Self-supervised Training in chest X-rays domain. Song Luo Northwestern University PLCO Feb 16, 2022 PLCOI-920
Computerized image analysis of morphology, texture on H&E slides of colon cancer patients Anant Madabhushi Emory University PLCO Feb 16, 2022 PLCOI-917
PLCO data integration to PD research as control Andrew Singleton National Institute of Aging PLCO Feb 16, 2022 PLCO-914
Identification and Characterization of Genetic Variants Predisposing Cancer Jeffrey Smith Vanderbilt University Medical Center PLCO Feb 16, 2022 PLCO-918