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Here you can browse the complete list of projects on CDAS whose requests for data/biospecimens were approved.

Name Principal Investigator Institution Study Date Approved Project ID
Bachelor's thesis project: Investigating how machine learning can be applied to predict pancreatic cancer Arvid Eriksson Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) PLCO Feb 16, 2022 PLCO-916
Risk of Prostate Cancer Death in the PLCO Cohort Based on a Four Kallekrein Panel Jonathan Shoag Case Western Reserve University PLCO Feb 16, 2022 PLCO-912
Assess dietary and behavioral factors associated with breast cancer risk and survival Renxi Tang Department of the Endocrine and Breast Surgery, The First Affiliated hospital of Chongqing Medical university PLCO Feb 16, 2022 PLCO-911
Machine Learning for Breast Cancer Risk Prediction Sigrid Sandström Stockholm University PLCO Feb 16, 2022 PLCO-910
Application for accessing NLST pathology images to validate the proposed prognostic modeling method Road Zhang Southwest Petroleum University NLST Feb 16, 2022 NLST-887
Validating the performance of Deep Neural Network models for lung nodule detection Naglis Ramanauskas Oxipit, UAB NLST Feb 16, 2022 NLST-886
A Deep Learning Model for Improved Cancer Risk Prediction in Sequential Lung Screening X-Rays Regina Barzilay Massachusetts Institute of Technology NLST Feb 16, 2022 NLST-885
Building integrative multi-modal and interpretable AI systems for personalized lung cancer therapy Ruijiang Li Stanford University NLST Feb 16, 2022 NLST-884
Optimization of lung cancer screening interval by deep learning-based risk prediction Adam Alessio Michigan State University NLST Feb 16, 2022 NLST-883
Personalised lung cancer treatment through outcome predictions and patient stratification Charles-Antoine Collins Fekete University College London NLST Feb 16, 2022 NLST-881
An evaluation of the association between aspirin and NSAID use and changes in body mass index on gastrointestinal cancer incidence and mortality Holli Loomans-Kropp The Ohio State University PLCO Feb 15, 2022 PLCO-907
The Lung EArly Proteins (LEAP) Project Hilary Robbins International Agency for Research on Cancer PLCO Feb 3, 2022 2021-1022
External Validation of an Intelligent Diagnosis Model for Chest X-ray. Zhangyan Lyu Tianjin Medical University Cancer Institute and Hospital PLCO Feb 2, 2022 PLCOI-905
External Validation of an Intelligent Diagnosis Model for LDCT. Zhangyan Lyu Tianjin Medical University Cancer Institute and Hospital NLST Feb 2, 2022 NLST-880
Progression prediction of lung cancer using deep learning model Sunghoon Kwon Seoul National University NLST Feb 2, 2022 NLST-879
Competing risks analysis of multiple cancers with application to vitamin D in PLCO Yei Eun Shin Biostatistics Branch, Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics, National Cancer Institute PLCO Feb 2, 2022 PLCO-904
Development of a ML algorithm to predict ovarian cancer risk Nicolas Martelin Prostperia SAS PLCO Jan 27, 2022 PLCO-903
Lung Cancer Patient's survival analysis Sreekanth Settur Swiss School of Business and Management PLCO Jan 27, 2022 PLCO-902
Assessing the Generalizability of Findings from the NLST Louise Henderson University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill NLST Jan 26, 2022 NLST-876
Development and validation of a neural network to detect and describe lung nodules Alexandre Compas Gleamer SAS NLST Jan 26, 2022 NLST-878