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Here you can browse the complete list of projects on CDAS whose requests for data/biospecimens were approved.

Name Principal Investigator Institution Study Date Approved Project ID
False Positives at T0 and What Happens Subsequently Ping Hu NCI, DCP, BRG PLCO Jul 1, 2006 2006-0196
Baseline Results Paper T0 Manuscript Martin Oken University of Minnesota PLCO Jul 1, 2006 2006-0197
Results of Screening for Ovarian Cancer for T0-T3 Edward Partridge University of Alabama PLCO Jul 1, 2006 2006-0198
Develop a Definitive Work-Up for Positive Lung Screening Exam William Hocking Marshfield Clinic PLCO Jul 1, 2006 2006-0139
Next Lung Subcommittee Paper: Analysis of T0-T3 data. William Hocking Marshfield Clinic PLCO Jul 1, 2006 2006-0140
CYP1a1 (Ile462) and NQO1 (Pro187Ser) Polymorphisms, Cigarette Use and Risk for Colorectal Adenoma Lifang Hou NCI, DCEG, OEEB PLCO Jul 1, 2006 2006-0145
Prostate Cancer, Insulin Resistance and Obesity: Biochemistry and Genetics Ann Hsing NCI, DCEG, HREB PLCO Jul 1, 2006 2006-0146
Prostate Cancer Dietary factors - Glycemic Factors/Inflammatory Factors Ann Hsing NCI, DCEG, HREB PLCO Jul 1, 2006 2006-0147
Variation in Screening Results by Screening Center: AS at Henry Ford Ping Hu NCI, DCP, BRG PLCO Jul 1, 2006 2006-0148
Colorectal Adenoma and DNA Repair Gene Polymorphisms Wen-Yi Huang NCI, DCEG, OEEB PLCO Jul 1, 2006 2006-0149
Colorectal Adenoma and Microsomal Epoxide Hydrolase Gene Wen-Yi Huang NCI, DCEG, OEEB PLCO Jul 1, 2006 2006-0150
Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) and Prostate Cancer Wen-Yi Huang NCI, DCEG, OEEB PLCO Jul 1, 2006 2006-0151
Psychosocial Factors in Older African Americans Jan Jernigan University of Pittsburgh PLCO Jul 1, 2006 2006-0153
Colorectal Adenoma Other Factors -Tobacco Bu-Tian Ji NCI, DCEG, OEEB PLCO Jul 1, 2006 2006-0154
Colorectal Adenoma Other Factors -NSAIDs Christine Johnson Henry Ford Health System PLCO Jul 1, 2006 2006-0155
Willingness of Study Subjects to Provide Biological Specimens to be Stored for Future Research Christine Johnson Henry Ford Health System PLCO Jul 1, 2006 2006-0157
Breast cancer rates and relative risk according to recognized breast cancer risk factors in the Prostate, Lung, Colorectal, and Ovarian (PLCO) Cancer Screening Trial Jim Lacey NCI, DCEG, HREB PLCO Jul 1, 2006 2006-0158
Screening for Ovarian Cancer in Women at High Risk: Preliminary Data from the PLCO Cancer Screening Trial Jim Lacey NCI, DCEG, HREB PLCO Jul 1, 2006 2006-0159
PCOS proposal: Ultrasound Appearance of Post menopausal Ovaries as a Marker of Increased Risk for Endometrial, Breast, and Colorectal Cancer Mark Sherman NCI, DCEG, HREB PLCO Jul 1, 2006 2006-0160
Who Participates in Clinical Trials Lois Lamerato Henry Ford Health System PLCO Jul 1, 2006 2006-0162