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Here you can browse the complete list of projects for NLST whose requests for data/biospecimens were approved.

Name Principal Investigator Institution Study Date Approved Project ID
Computational tools for automatic ROI extraction in pathology Joƫlle Barral Google Life Sciences NLST Oct 23, 2015 NLST-171
Quantitative radiomic assessment of lung nodules with low dose CT Chuan Zhou University of Michigan NLST Oct 22, 2015 NLST-170
Computational tools for classification and histologic grading of lung cancer Ruijiang Li Stanford University NLST Oct 15, 2015 NLST-169
Abnormality Detection Ryan Chamberlain Invenshure LLC NLST Oct 8, 2015 NLST-168
The Autonomous Collection and Databasing of Cancer and Structural Specific Features Present in CT Based Cancer Images through mathematical imaging based Systems Jaffar Ali Shahul Hameed Florida Gulf Coast University NLST Oct 7, 2015 NLST-166
Virtual biopsy of pulmonary nodules Francesco Ciompi Radboud University Medical Center NLST Sep 30, 2015 NLST-164
Circulating inflammatory markers and urinary metabolites in combination with low dose computed tomography screening (LDCT). Curtis Harris NCI NLST Sep 25, 2015 NLST-165
Regional CT Parenchymal Abnormalities as Radiographic Biomarkers for Lung Cancer C. Matthew Kinsey University of Vermont College of Medicine NLST Sep 24, 2015 NLST-163
NLST screen detected cardiovascular disease - impact on mortality and lung cancer screening Martin Tammemagi Brock University NLST Sep 21, 2015 NLST-162
Estimating the cost effectiveness of lung screening in the Australian setting Marianne Weber Cancer Council NSW NLST Sep 15, 2015 NLST-161
Time-specific measures of benefits due to screening Olli Saarela University of Toronto NLST Sep 10, 2015 NLST-158
Investigation of image features and classification algorithms for lung disease identification Yiqiang Zhan Siemens Medical Solutions NLST Sep 3, 2015 NLST-155
Lung volume and dimensions (height) correlation to population characteristics (BMI, Age, sex, race, height). Anat Shani Sensible-Medical NLST Sep 3, 2015 NLST-156
The quantitative analysis of Pneumoconiosis Xiaoyu Li University of Electronic Science and Technology of China NLST Aug 31, 2015 NLST-153
Deep Learning Algorithm Performance Gregory Sorensen N/A NLST Aug 18, 2015 NLST-152
Deep artificial neural networks for lung nodule detection and classification Giovanni Montana King's College London NLST Aug 7, 2015 NLST-150
Using Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence to Distinguish Between Malignant and Benign Lung Cancer Tumors in a CT Scan Santhosh Subramanian NCI Radiation Oncology NLST Aug 3, 2015 NLST-149
Machine Learning for Event Detection in Medical Images Derek Merck Rhode Island Hospital NLST Jul 30, 2015 NLST-147
Using deep learning to enhance cancer diagnosis and classification Wang Qin AccuRad NLST Jul 30, 2015 NLST-145
Development of CADx for pulmonary nodules Timor Kadir Mirada Medical Ltd. NLST Jul 15, 2015 NLST-143