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Here you can browse the complete list of projects on CDAS whose requests for data/biospecimens were approved.

Name Principal Investigator Institution Study Date Approved Project ID
AI for Lung Nodule Characterization Hugo Aerts Harvard-DFCI NLST Apr 26, 2016 NLST-208
A genome-wide survival analysis of non-small cell lung cancers David Christiani Harvard University PLCO Apr 26, 2016 PLCO-208
Developing automated algorithms for detection of lung pathology Lily Peng Google LLC NLST Apr 25, 2016 NLST-204
Predicting overall survival using CT and pathological image features Peng Huang Johns Hopkins University NLST Apr 21, 2016 NLST-214
Data mining for NLST Rong Chen University of Maryland, Baltimore NLST Apr 19, 2016 NLST-211
Positive Predictive Value (PPV) trends of lung screening with Low Dose Computed Tomography (LDCT) in next rounds and a prediction model of nodules with higher probability of being true positive Reshad Hassannezhad Tabriz University of Medical Sciences NLST Apr 13, 2016 NLST-210
Using markers of endemic fungal infection to predict malignancy in lung nodules identified on screening CT Laszlo Vaszar Mayo Clinic Arizona NLST Apr 13, 2016 NLST-205
Therapixel-AI Vincent Montalieu Therapixel NLST Apr 12, 2016 NLST-209
Estimating Overdiagnosis in Cancer Screening Studies Ruth Etzioni Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center PLCO Apr 11, 2016 PLCO-205
Pancreas cancer incidence and mortality by NLST trial arm Pamela Marcus NCI NLST Apr 8, 2016 NLST-206
Developing automated algorithms for detection of lung pathology Lily Peng Google LLC PLCO Apr 8, 2016 PLCO-204
Development of lung nodule categorization, characterization and quantification on LDCT for lung cancer screening Mannudeep Kalra Massachusetts General Hospital NLST Apr 4, 2016 NLST-203
Extrapulmonary malignancy as a cause of mortality in the NLST Myrna Godoy MD Anderson Cancer Center - The University of Texas NLST Mar 30, 2016 NLST-200
Lung nodule screening and classification using convolutional neural network (CNN) algorithms Mike Liu Raywon Technology Inc NLST Mar 29, 2016 NLST-202
Statistical models to predict future subject’s lung cancer risk: application to NLST and PLCO data Ping Hu National Cancer Institute PLCO Mar 29, 2016 PLCO-200
Examining the ovarian palpation screen in PLCO Paul Pinsky NCI PLCO Mar 29, 2016 PLCO-202
Use of Machine Learning and Decision Classifiers in the Analysis of PLCO Ovarian Data Katherine Andriole Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School PLCO Mar 29, 2016 PLCO-201
Development and application of an estrogen related dietary pattern to predict postmenopausal breast cancer. Susan Steck University of South Carolina, Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Cancer Prevention and Control Program PLCO Mar 25, 2016 PLCO-193
The association between fatherhood and prostate cancer incidence and mortality Michael Cook National Cancer Institute / NIH PLCO Mar 25, 2016 PLCO-197
Automated Examination of CT Chests To Determine Optimal Placement of Needle Thoracostomy Matt Strickland University of Toronto, Harvard University NLST Mar 25, 2016 NLST-201