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Here you can browse the complete list of projects on CDAS whose requests for data/biospecimens were approved.

Name Principal Investigator Institution Study Date Approved Project ID
Change in smoking behaviors and BMI and their impact on the incidence and mortality of lung and colorectal cancer in the PLCO population Ji-Bin Li Sun Yat-sen University Cancer Center PLCO Aug 9, 2017 PLCO-295
Predictive methods for cancer based on machine learning Ashwini Suriyaprakash Independent PLCO Aug 8, 2017 PLCO-292
Predicting lung cancer from chest radiography features Ashwini Suriyaprakash Independent NLST Aug 7, 2017 NLST-334
Influence of exercise or prolonged television viewing days on physical activity and sedentary behaviors in older adults charles matthews NCI/DCEG IDATA Aug 4, 2017 IDATA-13
Ultra-Low-Dose Lung Nodule CT Surveillance Using Prior-Image-Based Reconstruction Hao Zhang Johns Hopkins University NLST Aug 3, 2017 NLST-329
Serum levels of perfluorinated chemicals (PFCs) and aggressive prostate cancer risk in the Prostate, Lung, Colorectal and Ovarian Cancer Screening Trial Mark Purdue NCI, DCEG PLCO Aug 3, 2017 2017-0031
Phase 3 validation of a serum miRNA neural network for early detection of ovarian cancer Kevin Elias Brigham and Women's Hospital PLCO Aug 3, 2017 2017-0023
Interpretable machine learning models for lung cancer screening Cynthia Rudin Duke NLST Aug 2, 2017 NLST-332
image deep learning of lung cancer cell Tang Wei Chongqing University NLST Aug 1, 2017 NLST-331
Gist response Patrick Brennan University of Sydney NLST Jul 31, 2017 NLST-333
Pooling Project of Prospective Studies of Diet and Cancer (DCPP) : Alcohol Use and Risk of Cancer Stephanie Smith-Warner Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health PLCO Jul 28, 2017 PLCO-287
Pooling Project of Prospective Studies of Diet and Cancer (DCPP) Stephanie Smith-Warner Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health PLCO Jul 28, 2017 PLCO-286
Role of Image Segmentation Methods in Increasing the Efficiency and Accuracy of Neural Networks in Cancer Detection Zong Zhang N/A NLST Jul 28, 2017 NLST-335
Circulating miRNAs as Biomarkers for Pancreatic Cancer Early Detection and Risk Assessment Xiao Ou Shu Vanderbilt University PLCO Jul 27, 2017 2017-9002
Detection and Diagnosis of Lung & Breast Cancer with Deep Learning Shan Li Zephex Technology PLCO Jul 24, 2017 PLCO-289
image reconstruction YUNXI JIANG SUN YAT-SEN UNIVERSITY NLST Jul 18, 2017 NLST-327
Impact of screening and management strategies on the development of metastatic disease in the PLCO Prostate Cancer Screening Trial Scott Eggener University of Chicago PLCO Jul 14, 2017 PLCO-285
Enhancement of pulmonary nodule detection algorithm using large scale LDCT data Seungho Lee Vuno NLST Jul 10, 2017 NLST-322
Precision medicine via survival analysis Yan Li University of Michigan NLST Jul 6, 2017 NLST-326
Advanced Deep Learning for Early Detection and Prognostication in Lung Cancer Zeng Zeng Institute for Infocomm Research NLST Jul 5, 2017 NLST-323