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Here you can browse the complete list of projects on CDAS whose requests for data/biospecimens were approved.

Name Principal Investigator Institution Study Date Approved Project ID
Quantitation of Lung Ventilation and Structure by 3He MR Dmitriy Yablonskiy Washington University Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology NLST Aug 6, 2004 2004-90024
To Determine the Effects of Slice Thickness and Reconstruction Filter on Measurements of Lung Attenuation Obtained from Low Dose Multidetector CT Scans David Gierada Washington University NLST Jul 30, 2004 2004-90022
Recruitment of Control Participants for a Study of Head and Neck Cancer Radoslav Goldman Georgetown University NLST Jan 9, 2004 2004-90020
Computer-Aided Diagnostic Scheme for Detection and Characterization of Lung Nodules on Low-Dose CT in NLST Utilizing Advanced Modeling Techniques Kavita Garg University of Colorado Health Science Center NLST Jul 8, 2003 2003-90015
CT Image Library David Gierada Washington University NLST Jun 17, 2003 2003-90019
Mathematical Characterization of Lung Nodules Identified by Screening Lung CT Matthew Freedman Georgetown University NLST Jun 16, 2003 2003-90018
Biorepository Robert Garver University of Alabama at Birmingham NLST Jun 6, 2003 2003-90016
Correlate Longitudinal Changes in Spirometry with Longitudinal Changes in the CT Scan and CXR in the Diagnosis of Lung Cancer Mark Dransfield University of Alabama at Birmingham NLST Jun 5, 2003 2003-90005
3D Morphometric Assessment of Temporal Changes in Lung Nodules Kyongtae Bae University of Pittsburgh NLST Apr 10, 2003 2003-90002
Analyze Fifteen CT Scans from LSS for Emphysema David Gierada Washington University NLST Apr 2, 2003 2003-90007
Functional DNA Repair Assays for Lung Cancer Risk: Prospective Analysis Alice Sigurdson NCI PLCO 2005-0013
Multiplexed Assay of Serum Biomarkers for Ovarian Cancer Anna Lokshin University of Pittsburgh PLCO 2006-0290
Obesity and Endometrial Cancer in Postmenopausal Women: Examining the Roles of Adiponectin, Leptin, and Estrone Amanda Black NCI PLCO 2006-0291
Early Detection of Ovarian Cancer Using Proteomic Analysis of Pre-diagnostic Serum Samples Collected in the PLCO Trial Lee Moore NCI, DCEG, OEEB PLCO 2006-0300
Serum selenium and pancreatic cancer risk Rachael Stolzenberg - Solomon NCI, DCEG, NEB PLCO 2007-0219
Whole Genome Association Study (GWAS) of Bladder Cancer Stella Koutros NCI, DCEG PLCO 2007-0224
Vitamin D and Risks of Prostate and Colorectal Cancers: Study Update and Expansion Regina Ziegler - PLCO 2008-0224
Quality Assessment of the Daughter vials from the Oviarian Cancer Biomarker Longitudial Study Claire Zhu NCI PLCO 2013-0330
Molecular Risk Stratification for Colonoscopic Surveillance ANDREW T. Chan MASSACHUSETTS GENERAL HOSPITAL PLCO 2015-0101
Translating gene-calcium interactions to precision medicine for colorectal cancer QI DAI VANDERBILT UNIVERSITY MED CTR PLCO 2014-0098