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Here you can browse the complete list of projects on CDAS whose requests for data/biospecimens were approved.

Name Principal Investigator Institution Study Date Approved Project ID
Anthocyanin and endometrial cancer risk: a prospective study in the Prostate, Lung, Colorectal and Ovarian (PLCO) cohort Huijun Huang Wenzhou medical university PLCO Apr 2, 2024 PLCO-1525
Neural Network AI detection of Breast cancer (Education) Hudson Leslie Kingwood Park High School PLCO Apr 2, 2024 PLCO-1524
Screening lung cancer from CT scans through deep learning and assistive AI Amulya Mathur Carnegie Mellon University NLST Apr 2, 2024 NLST-1225
Probabilistic Analysis of NLST data and prediction Jyoti Bhadana University of Alberta NLST Apr 2, 2024 NLST-1224
Predicting Pulmonary Function Abnormalities with a Texture-Based Quantification of Normal Lung Parenchyma in Chest Computed Tomography Alysson Carvalho ID'Or Institute Research and Education NLST Apr 2, 2024 NLST-1223
Enhancing Pulmonary Involvement Assessment in Computed Tomography Scans Using Predictive Models Based on Demographics and Anatomical Measurements Alysson Carvalho ID'Or NLST Apr 2, 2024 NLST-1222
Computational pathological prognostic markers of colorectal cancer based on tumor heterogeneity mining and their biological interpretability Yanlong Liu Harbin Medical University Cancer Hospital PLCO Apr 2, 2024 PLCOI-1520
Integrating AI-Driven Analysis of Clinical and Imaging Data to Optimize Lung Cancer Treatment Strategies Ricardo Gonzales Vera University of Oxford PLCO Apr 2, 2024 PLCOI-1517
WARIFA - Watching the Risk Factors Giovanni Sebastiani Institute for applied mathematics "Mauro Picone" (IAC) PLCO Apr 2, 2024 PLCO-1521
AI-assisted Lung Nodule Detection in Radiology Anita Blazevic FH Technikum Vienna NLST Mar 27, 2024 NLST-1215
Covariate data for new set of controls for GWAS studies Rachael Stolzenberg-Solomon DCEG, NCI PLCO Mar 27, 2024 PLCO-1515
Enhancing Lung Cancer Treatment Decisions through AI-driven Analysis of PLCO Patient Data Ricardo Gonzales Vera University of Oxford PLCO Mar 27, 2024 PLCO-1514
Adherence to the EAT-Lancet dietary pattern reduces the risk of renal cancer in the PLCO Cancer Screening Trial Linglong Peng The Second Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical University, Chongqing, China. PLCO Mar 27, 2024 PLCO-1513
Improving risk stratification of uncertain pulmonary nodules based on deep learning method yulu Wu zhongyuan university of technology NLST Mar 25, 2024 NLST-1219
Lung Cancer Classification Based On Sequential Image Wu Kang Taiyuan University of Technology NLST Mar 25, 2024 NLST-1218
Topological biomarker in lung adenocarcinoma Senyi Deng West China Hospital NLST Mar 25, 2024 NLST-1209
A Hybrid Classical-Quantum Neural Network to Predict Future Lung Cancer Risk From a Single Low-Dose CT Weixin Lu New York University NLST Mar 25, 2024 NLST-1208
XECAN and Rescue Lung CTLS Registry Bin Yang XECAN Smart Safe Oncology NLST Mar 25, 2024 NLST-1203
Pan-cancer analyses of imaging-clinical phenotype associations using updated PLCO cohorts Kun-Hsing Yu President and Fellows of Harvard College PLCO Mar 25, 2024 PLCOI-1509
Clarifying Lung Cancer Risk Among Prostate Cancer Survivors Keith Sigel Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai PLCO Mar 25, 2024 PLCO-1508