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Here you can browse the complete list of projects on CDAS whose requests for data/biospecimens were approved.

Name Principal Investigator Institution Study Date Approved Project ID
Effect of circulating factors on serum PSA levels in the PLCO study Robert Grubb Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis PLCO Oct 22, 2008 2008-0045
DNA Extraction Method, Biological Specimen, and DNA Yield for Genetic Studies in PLCO Leah Mechanic Westat PLCO Oct 9, 2008 2008-0042
Meat, meat cooking methods and meat mutagens, and lung cancer risk in the Prostate, Lung, Colorectal, and Ovarian Cancer Screening Trial (PLCO) Natasa Tasevska NCI, DCEG, NEB PLCO Sep 26, 2008 2008-0023
Lung Cancer Risk Prediction – A Prostate, Lung, Colorectal and Ovarian Cancer Screening Trial Study Martin Tammemagi Brock University / Henry Ford Health System PLCO Sep 26, 2008 2008-0031
Value of a confirmatory PSA test in men undergoing screening for prostate cancer Amanda Black NCI, DCEG, EBP PLCO Sep 26, 2008 2008-0033
Flavonoid intake and the risk of pancreatic cancer in the PLCO Cancer Screening Trial Gerd Bobe NCI-F, CCR, LCP PLCO Sep 12, 2008 2008-0041
Baseline PSA and 7 Year Risk of Prostate Cancer Diagnosis Amanda Black NCI, DCEG, EBP PLCO Sep 11, 2008 2008-0036
Flavonoid intake and the risk of colorectal carcinogenesis in the PLCO Cancer Screening Trial Gerd Bobe NCI-F, CCR, LCP PLCO Sep 11, 2008 2008-0037
Smoking Cessation and Relapse in the National Lung Screening Trial Martin Tammemagi Henry Ford Health System NLST Aug 22, 2008 2007-00042
Establishment of Screening Center Satellites Bonita Wohlers University of Utah/Boise NLST Jul 23, 2008 2008-00042
Study of Genetic Determinants of Serum Nutrients Demetrius Albanes NCI, DCEG, NEB PLCO Jun 20, 2008 2008-0013
Predictors of Vitamin D status (as measured by 25(OH)D in serum) : in particular BMI, Exercise and Dietary intake and Season Barry Graubard NCI, DCEG, BB PLCO Jun 20, 2008 2008-0018
Lung Interval Cancers Paul A. Kvale Henry Ford Health System PLCO Jun 17, 2008 2008-0027
CASP8 and Prostate Cancer Adam Kibel Washington University PLCO Jun 4, 2008 2008-0015
CT Assessment of Emphysema, Airways, and Lung Cancer Risk David Gierada Washington University NLST May 29, 2008 2008-00026
Gene-Specific Hypermethylation in the Colorectal Adenoma-Carcinoma Sequence FangFang Zhang UNT Health Science Center PLCO May 27, 2008 2007-0251
Continuation of the Breast and Prostate Cancer Cohort Consortium (BPC3): Contributions of the PLCO Cohort to Breast Cancer Studies Regina Ziegler NCI, DCEG, EBP PLCO May 27, 2008 2007-0261
Genome-wide association study of renal cell carcinoma: replication scan Mark Purdue NCI, DCEG, OEEB PLCO May 9, 2008 2007-0253
Expansion of Prostate Cancer Genome-wide Association Studies and Follow-up of Clinically Promising Results Sonja Berndt National Cancer Institute PLCO Apr 23, 2008 2007-0258
Colon T0-T5 paper Joel Weissfeld University of Pittsburgh PLCO Apr 10, 2008 2007-0062