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Here you can browse the complete list of projects on CDAS whose requests for data/biospecimens were approved.

Name Principal Investigator Institution Study Date Approved Project ID
Expression levels and prostate cancer recurrence in PLCO Michael Cook NCI PLCO Oct 22, 2012 2012-0312
Validation of protein biomarker signatures of prostate cancer aggressiveness Stephen Schmechel University of Minnesota PLCO Oct 22, 2012 2012-0286
Epigenetic Variation at 8q24 and Prostate Cancer Risk Kathryn Barry University of Maryland School of Medicine PLCO Oct 22, 2012 2012-0282
Blood-based gene expression markers for early detection of lung cancer Melissa Rotunno NCI, DCEG, GEB PLCO Oct 22, 2012 2012-0247
Pancreas Cancer Early Detection Paul Lampe Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center PLCO Oct 22, 2012 2012-0229
Identifying metabolomic risk factors for pancreatic cancer Rachael Stolzenberg-Solomon NCI, DCEG, NEB PLCO Sep 5, 2012 2012-0066
Endometrial thickness and risk of hormone-related malignancies Ashley Felix NCI, DCEG, HREB PLCO Aug 30, 2012 2012-0352
Evaluation of a four kallekrein panel to detect prostate cancer Hans Lilja Other (Specify) PLCO Aug 15, 2012 2010-0042
Ovarian cancer risk factors by histologic subtypes and development of an ovarian cancer risk prediction model in the Ovarian Cancer Cohort Consortium (OC3) Nicolas Wentzensen MD NCI, DCEG, HREB PLCO Aug 9, 2012 2012-0355
Establishment of CTDI library for a CT organ dose calculation tool, NCICT Choonsik Lee National Cancer Institute, National institutes of Health NLST Aug 9, 2012 201209-0031
Caffeine Intake and Endometrial Cancer Risk in the PLCO Cohort Fong Liu UCLA PLCO Aug 2, 2012 2012-0039
Risk stratification for bladder cancer among heavy smokers in the National Lung Screening Trial Timothy Church University of Minnesota NLST Jul 31, 2012 201207-0029
Estimation of Overdiagnosis Bias in the NLST Edward Patz, Jr. Duke University Medical Center NLST Jul 27, 2012 201207-0026
Delay in Confirmation of Cancer Diagnosis When Screening CT was Positive in NLST Hrudaya Nath University of Alabama at Birmingham NLST Jul 27, 2012 201207-0027
Immunity, inflammation and BMI in lung cancer Brid Ryan NCI, CCR, LHC PLCO Jul 26, 2012 2012-0336
Race-ethnicity and the effect of screening FSG on colorectal cancer incidence and mortality Adeyinka Laiyemo NCI, DCP, BRG PLCO Jul 18, 2012 2012-0232
Computational Radiologic/Pathologic Correlation for Imaging Biomarker Discovery in Lung Cancer Deni Aberle University of California Los Angeles NLST Jun 25, 2012 201206-0032
Investigation of the variation of the location and shape of organs using computed tomography images Lee Choonsik National Cancer Institute NLST Jun 22, 2012 201206-0022
Non-invasive Characterization of Peripheral Pulmonary Nodules of the Lung Adenocarcinoma Spectrum and Correlation with Clinical Outcomes using CANARY (Computer-Aided Nodule Assessment and Risk Yield) Tobias Peikert Mayo Clinic Rochester NLST Jun 21, 2012 201206-0021
Pooled analysis of active smoking and breast cancer risk Mia Gaudet American Cancer Society PLCO May 30, 2012 2012-0050