Inflammation regulation: Gene variants and inflammatory markers in colorectal neoplasia
To determine the relationship between common hapotypes of inflammatory genes and colorectal adenoma and cancer risk. To investigate the association between serum levels of inflammatory markers and colorectal adenoma risk. To determine whether serum inflammatory markers and variants of inflammatory genes modify the relation between energy balance and diet, and colorectal adenoma and cancer risk. To determine whether variants of inflammatory genes modify the relation between energy balance and diet, and colorectal cancer risk.
Sonja Berndt (NCI, DCEG)
Stephen Chanock (CGF, NCI)
Nilanjan Chatterjee (NCI, DCEG)
Julie Goodman (LHC, CCR, NCI)
Curtis Harris (LHC, CCR, NCI)
Richard Hayes (NCI, DCEG)
Nathaniel Rothman (NCI, DCEG)
Robert Schoen (University of Pittsburgh)
Arthur Schatzkin (NCI, DCEG)
Rashmi Sinha (NCI, DCEG)
Krissta Zanetti (LHC, CCR, NCI)
Serum IGF1, IGF2 and IGFBP3 and risk of advanced colorectal adenoma.
Gao Y, Katki H, Graubard B, Pollak M, Martin M, Tao Y, Schoen RE, Church T, Hayes RB, Greene MH, Berndt SI
Int. J. Cancer. 2012 Jul; Volume 131 (Issue 2): Pages E105-13 PUBMED -
Associations between genes in the one-carbon metabolism pathway and advanced colorectal adenoma risk in individuals with low folate intake.
Han SS, Sue LY, Berndt SI, Selhub J, Burdette LA, Rosenberg PS, Ziegler RG
Cancer Epidemiol. Biomarkers Prev. 2012 Mar; Volume 21 (Issue 3): Pages 417-27 PUBMED -
Iron homeostasis and distal colorectal adenoma risk in the prostate, lung, colorectal, and ovarian cancer screening trial.
Cross AJ, Sinha R, Wood RJ, Xue X, Huang WY, Yeager M, Hayes RB, Gunter MJ
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DNA repair gene polymorphisms and tobacco smoking in the risk for colorectal adenomas.
Gao Y, Hayes RB, Huang WY, Caporaso NE, Burdette L, Yeager M, Chanock SJ, Berndt SI
Carcinogenesis. 2011 Jun; Volume 32 (Issue 6): Pages 882-7 PUBMED -
A prospective evaluation of C-reactive protein levels and colorectal adenoma development.
Gunter MJ, Cross AJ, Huang WY, Stanczyk FZ, Purdue M, Xue X, Schoen R, Limburg PJ, Schatzkin A, Sinha R, Hayes RB
Cancer Epidemiol. Biomarkers Prev. 2011 Mar; Volume 20 (Issue 3): Pages 537-44 PUBMED -
Xenobiotic metabolizing genes, meat-related exposures, and risk of advanced colorectal adenoma.
Ferrucci LM, Cross AJ, Gunter MJ, Ahn J, Mayne ST, Ma X, Chanock SJ, Yeager M, Graubard BI, Berndt SI, Huang WY, Hayes RB, Sinha R
World Rev Nutr Diet. 2010; Volume 101: Pages 34-45 PUBMED -
Polymorphisms in the adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) gene and advanced colorectal adenoma risk.
Wong HL, Peters U, Hayes RB, Huang WY, Schatzkin A, Bresalier RS, Velie EM, Brody LC
Eur. J. Cancer. 2010 Sep; Volume 46 (Issue 13): Pages 2457-66 PUBMED -
Genetic variation at chromosome 8q24 in osteosarcoma cases and controls.
Mirabello L, Berndt SI, Seratti GF, Burdett L, Yeager M, Chowdhury S, Teshome K, Uzoka A, Douglass C, Hayes RB, Hoover RN, Savage SA, National Osteosarcoma Etiology Study Group
Carcinogenesis. 2010 Aug; Volume 31 (Issue 8): Pages 1400-4 PUBMED -
Using cases to strengthen inference on the association between single nucleotide polymorphisms and a secondary phenotype in genome-wide association studies.
Li H, Gail MH, Berndt S, Chatterjee N
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A web server for inferring the human N-acetyltransferase-2 (NAT2) enzymatic phenotype from NAT2 genotype.
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Genetic variants in frizzled-related protein (FRZB) and the risk of colorectal neoplasia.
Berndt SI, Huang WY, Yeager M, Weissfeld JL, Chanock SJ, Hayes RB
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Exploiting gene-environment independence for analysis of case-control studies: an empirical Bayes-type shrinkage estimator to trade-off between bias and efficiency.
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Pooled analysis of genetic variation at chromosome 8q24 and colorectal neoplasia risk.
Berndt SI, Potter JD, Hazra A, Yeager M, Thomas G, Makar KW, Welch R, Cross AJ, Huang WY, Schoen RE, Giovannucci E, Chan AT, Chanock SJ, Peters U, Hunter DJ, Hayes RB
Hum. Mol. Genet. 2008 Sep; Volume 17 (Issue 17): Pages 2665-72 PUBMED -
Variation in the selenoenzyme genes and risk of advanced distal colorectal adenoma.
Peters U, Chatterjee N, Hayes RB, Schoen RE, Wang Y, Chanock SJ, Foster CB
Cancer Epidemiol. Biomarkers Prev. 2008 May; Volume 17 (Issue 5): Pages 1144-54 PUBMED -
Retrospective analysis of haplotype-based case control studies under a flexible model for gene environment association.
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Transforming growth factor beta 1 (TGFB1) gene polymorphisms and risk of advanced colorectal adenoma.
Berndt SI, Huang WY, Chatterjee N, Yeager M, Welch R, Chanock SJ, Weissfeld JL, Schoen RE, Hayes RB
Carcinogenesis. 2007 Sep; Volume 28 (Issue 9): Pages 1965-70 PUBMED -
Powerful multilocus tests of genetic association in the presence of gene-gene and gene-environment interactions.
Chatterjee N, Kalaylioglu Z, Moslehi R, Peters U, Wacholder S
Am. J. Hum. Genet. 2006 Dec; Volume 79 (Issue 6): Pages 1002-16 PUBMED -
High serum selenium and reduced risk of advanced colorectal adenoma in a colorectal cancer early detection program.
Peters U, Chatterjee N, Church TR, Mayo C, Sturup S, Foster CB, Schatzkin A, Hayes RB
Cancer Epidemiol. Biomarkers Prev. 2006 Feb; Volume 15 (Issue 2): Pages 315-20 PUBMED -
Insulin-like growth factor-I and insulin are associated with the presence and advancement of adenomatous polyps.
Schoen RE, Weissfeld JL, Kuller LH, Thaete FL, Evans RW, Hayes RB, Rosen CJ
Gastroenterology. 2005 Aug; Volume 129 (Issue 2): Pages 464-75 PUBMED -
Circulating vitamin D metabolites, polymorphism in vitamin D receptor, and colorectal adenoma risk.
Peters U, Hayes RB, Chatterjee N, Shao W, Schoen RE, Pinsky P, Hollis BW, McGlynn KA, Prostate, Lung, Colorectal and Ovarian Cancer Screening Project Team
Cancer Epidemiol. Biomarkers Prev. 2004 Apr; Volume 13 (Issue 4): Pages 546-52 PUBMED