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About this Publication
Powerful multilocus tests of genetic association in the presence of gene-gene and gene-environment interactions.
Pubmed ID
17186459 (View this publication on the PubMed website)
Am. J. Hum. Genet. 2006 Dec; Volume 79 (Issue 6): Pages 1002-16
Chatterjee N, Kalaylioglu Z, Moslehi R, Peters U, Wacholder S
  • Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics, National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD, USA.

In modern genetic epidemiology studies, the association between the disease and a genomic region, such as a candidate gene, is often investigated using multiple SNPs. We propose a multilocus test of genetic association that can account for genetic effects that might be modified by variants in other genes or by environmental factors. We consider use of the venerable and parsimonious Tukey's 1-degree-of-freedom model of interaction, which is natural when individual SNPs within a gene are associated with disease through a common biological mechanism; in contrast, many standard regression models are designed as if each SNP has unique functional significance. On the basis of Tukey's model, we propose a novel but computationally simple generalized test of association that can simultaneously capture both the main effects of the variants within a genomic region and their interactions with the variants in another region or with an environmental exposure. We compared performance of our method with that of two standard tests of association, one ignoring gene-gene/gene-environment interactions and the other based on a saturated model of interactions. We demonstrate major power advantages of our method both in analysis of data from a case-control study of the association between colorectal adenoma and DNA variants in the NAT2 genomic region, which are well known to be related to a common biological phenotype, and under different models of gene-gene interactions with use of simulated data.

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