Here you can browse the complete list of publications for studies listed on CDAS.
Title | PubMed | Authors | Journal | Year | Studies |
Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS) consistently precedes multiple myeloma: a prospective study. | 19179464 | Landgren O, Kyle RA, Pfeiffer RM, Katzmann JA, Caporaso NE, Hayes RB, Dispenzieri A, Kumar S, Clark RJ, Baris D, Hoover R, Rajkumar SV | Blood | 2009 | PLCO |
Automated matching of pulmonary nodules: evaluation in serial screening chest CT. | 19234256 | Tao C, Gierada DS, Zhu F, Pilgram TK, Wang JH, Bae KT | AJR Am J Roentgenol | 2009 | NLST |
CT quality assurance in the lung screening study component of the National Lung Screening Trial: implications for multicenter imaging trials. | 19620438 | Gierada DS, Garg K, Nath H, Strollo DC, Fagerstrom RM, Ford MB | AJR Am J Roentgenol | 2009 | NLST |
Risk perceptions among participants undergoing lung cancer screening: baseline results from the National Lung Screening Trial. | 19711141 | Park ER, Ostroff JS, Rakowski W, Gareen IF, Diefenbach MA, Feibelmann S, Rigotti NA | Ann Behav Med | 2009 | NLST |
Collecting 48,000 CT exams for the lung screening study of the National Lung Screening Trial. | 18777192 | Clark KW, Gierada DS, Marquez G, Moore SM, Maffitt DR, Moulton JD, Wolfsberger MA, Koppel P, Phillips SR, Prior FW | J Digit Imaging | 2009 | NLST |
Effect of obesity at age 20 and 50 on development of prostate cancer in the PLCO Cancer Screening trial. | Grubb RL, Black A, Church TR, Hickey T, Izmirlian G, Riley T, Prorok PC, Berg CD, Crawford ED, Andriole GL | J Urol | 2009 | PLCO | |
Pre-biopsy prostate cancer nomograms based upon serial PSA screening data in the PLCO trial with verfication bias correction. | Izmirlian G, Grubb RL, Black A, Prorok PC, Berg CD, Crawford ED, Andriole GL, Kibel AS | J Urol | 2009 | PLCO | |
Vitamin D receptor polymorphisms and breast cancer risk: results from the National Cancer Institute Breast and Prostate Cancer Cohort Consortium. | 19124512 | McKay JD, McCullough ML, Ziegler RG, Kraft P, Saltzman BS, Riboli E, Barricarte A, Berg CD, Bergland G, Bingham S, Brustad M, Bueno-de-Mesquita HB, Burdette L, Buring J, Calle EE, Chanock SJ, Clavel-Chapelon F, Cox DG, Dossus L, Feigelson HS, Haiman… | Cancer Epidemiol. Biomarkers Prev. | 2009 | PLCO |
Quantitative trait loci predicting circulating sex steroid hormones in men from the NCI-Breast and Prostate Cancer Cohort Consortium (BPC3). | 19574343 | Ahn J, Schumacher FR, Berndt SI, Pfeiffer R, Albanes D, Andriole GL, Ardanaz E, Boeing H, Bueno-de-Mesquita B, Chanock SJ, Clavel-Chapelon F, Diver WR, Feigelson HS, Gaziano JM, Giovannucci E, Haiman CA, Henderson BE, Hoover RN, Kolonel LN, Kraft P,… | Hum. Mol. Genet. | 2009 | PLCO |
Fine mapping and functional analysis of a common variant in MSMB on chromosome 10q11.2 associated with prostate cancer susceptibility. | 19383797 | Lou H, Yeager M, Li H, Bosquet JG, Hayes RB, Orr N, Yu K, Hutchinson A, Jacobs KB, Kraft P, Wacholder S, Chatterjee N, Feigelson HS, Thun MJ, Diver WR, Albanes D, Virtamo J, Weinstein S, Ma J, Gaziano JM, Stampfer M, Schumacher FR, Giovannucci E, Ca… | Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. | 2009 | PLCO |
Identification of a new prostate cancer susceptibility locus on chromosome 8q24. | 19767755 | Yeager M, Chatterjee N, Ciampa J, Jacobs KB, Gonzalez-Bosquet J, Hayes RB, Kraft P, Wacholder S, Orr N, Berndt S, Yu K, Hutchinson A, Wang Z, Amundadottir L, Feigelson HS, Thun MJ, Diver WR, Albanes D, Virtamo J, Weinstein S, Schumacher FR, Cancel-T… | Nat. Genet. | 2009 | PLCO |
Identification of seven new prostate cancer susceptibility loci through a genome-wide association study. | 19767753 | Eeles RA, Kote-Jarai Z, Al Olama AA, Giles GG, Guy M, Severi G, Muir K, Hopper JL, Henderson BE, Haiman CA, Schleutker J, Hamdy FC, Neal DE, Donovan JL, Stanford JL, Ostrander EA, Ingles SA, John EM, Thibodeau SN, Schaid D, Park JY, Spurdle A, Cleme… | Nat. Genet. | 2009 | PLCO |
Alcohol intake and pancreatic cancer risk: a pooled analysis of fourteen cohort studies. | 19258474 | Genkinger JM, Spiegelman D, Anderson KE, Bergkvist L, Bernstein L, van den Brandt PA, English DR, Freudenheim JL, Fuchs CS, Giles GG, Giovannucci E, Hankinson SE, Horn-Ross PL, Leitzmann M, Männistö S, Marshall JR, McCullough ML, Miller AB, Reding D… | Cancer Epidemiol. Biomarkers Prev. | 2009 | PLCO |
Temporal stability and age-related prevalence of loss of imprinting of the insulin-like growth factor-2 gene. | 19242102 | Cruz-Correa M, Zhao R, Oviedo M, Bernabe RD, Lacourt M, Cardona A, Lopez-Enriquez R, Wexner S, Cuffari C, Hylind L, Platz E, Cui H, Feinberg AP, Giardiello FM | Epigenetics | 2009 | PLCO |
Randomized controlled trials of the efficacy of lung cancer screening by sputum cytology revisited: a combined mortality analysis from the Johns Hopkins Lung Project and the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Lung Study. | 19637354 | Doria-Rose VP, Marcus PM, Szabo E, Tockman MS, Melamed MR, Prorok PC | Cancer | 2009 | JHLP |
Serum vitamin D concentration and prostate cancer risk: a nested case-control study. | 18505967 | Ahn J, Peters U, Albanes D, Purdue MP, Abnet CC, Chatterjee N, Horst RL, Hollis BW, Huang WY, Shikany JM, Hayes RB, Prostate, Lung, Colorectal, and Ovarian Cancer Screening Trial Project Team | J. Natl. Cancer Inst. | 2008 | PLCO |
IGF-1, IGFBP-1, and IGFBP-3 polymorphisms predict circulating IGF levels but not breast cancer risk: findings from the Breast and Prostate Cancer Cohort Consortium (BPC3). | 18596909 | Patel AV, Cheng I, Canzian F, Le Marchand L, Thun MJ, Berg CD, Buring J, Calle EE, Chanock S, Clavel-Chapelon F, Cox DG, Dorronsoro M, Dossus L, Haiman CA, Hankinson SE, Henderson BE, Hoover R, Hunter DJ, Kaaks R, Kolonel LN, Kraft P, Linseisen J, L… | PLoS ONE | 2008 | PLCO |
Genetic variation in sodium-dependent vitamin C transporters SLC23A1 and SLC23A2 and risk of advanced colorectal adenoma. | 18791929 | Erichsen HC, Peters U, Eck P, Welch R, Schoen RE, Yeager M, Levine M, Hayes RB, Chanock S | Nutr Cancer | 2008 | PLCO |
The natural history of aberrant crypt foci. | 18178205 | Schoen RE, Mutch M, Rall C, Dry SM, Seligson D, Umar A, Pinsky P | Gastrointest. Endosc. | 2008 | PLCO |
Estimating the cumulative risk of a false-positive under a regimen involving various types of cancer screening tests. | 18416950 | Baker SG, Kramer BS | J Med Screen | 2008 | PLCO |