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Principal Investigator
Eunji Choi
Weill Cornell Medicine, Cornell University
Position Title
Assistant Professor
About this CDAS Project
PLCO (Learn more about this study)
Project ID
Initial CDAS Request Approval
Dec 26, 2024
Evaluation of the Potential of Integrating Breast Cancer Screening and Lung Cancer Screening
Lung cancer screening uptake remains low in the United States, despite its proven effectiveness in reducing lung cancer-specific mortality. Conversely, breast cancer screening rates are consistently high, achieving participation rates exceeding 80%. This disparity suggests an opportunity to improve lung cancer screening rates by leveraging the infrastructure and participation of breast cancer screening programs.
Evidence from the landmark NELSON trial demonstrated high screening efficiency and a substantial reduction in lung cancer-specific mortality particularly among women, further supporting the exploration of integrated screening approaches. However, the prevalence of dual eligibility for breast and lung cancer screening in women remains understudied. Existing evidence is limited to two single-institution studies, leaving significant gaps in our understanding. Moreover, little is known about the shared individual- and area-level risk factors that predispose women to both breast and lung cancer.
Using population-based screening trial data from the Prostate, Lung, Colorectal, and Ovarian (PLCO) Cancer Screening Trial, this study seeks to address these gaps by evaluating the dual eligibility for breast and lung cancer screening and identifying shared multi-level risk factors for both cancers.

Examine the dual eligibility for breast cancer screening and lung cancer screening in women.
Identify shared multi-level risk factors (individual and area-level) for breast and lung cancer in women.
