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Principal Investigator
Pamela Marcus
National Cancer Institute
Position Title
About this CDAS Project
NLST (Learn more about this study)
Project ID
Initial CDAS Request Approval
Jun 22, 2009
Participant Tracking and Tracing in the PLCO and NLST/LSS Trials
The success of PLCO and NLST/LSS rests on the ability of screening centers to stay in touch with participants. Tracking efforts were necessary in these studies to keep track of participants' contact information. Tracing efforts were necessary in these studies when participants changed addresses and telephone numbers without informing screening centers. This project will report on methods used by the screening centers to accomplish these tasks in PLCO and NLST/LSS. Screening center staff will report on their experiences, which will form the basis of a descriptive manuscript. The purpose of this project is to provide the clinical trials community with valuable information on tracking and tracing in a large clinical trial. We have decided on a joint PLCO and NLST/LSS project as the screening centers are the same for both studies and methods employed for tracking and tracing do not vary by study. Please note that this project already has been approved by PLCO. Please also note that this project will be similar in format and conduct to the PLCO Recruitment Project. A copy of the manuscript that describes the PLCO Recruitment Project is included in this application as an attachment.

1. Report tracking and tracing methods used in PLCO and NLST/LSS. Indicate which methods were used at which centers. Indicate the degree of success of each method. 2. Discuss lessons learned about tracking and tracking in PLCO and NLST/LSS, including why some methods worked and others did not. The paper will report on what screening centers learned with the hope that others in the clinical trials community will benefit from this knowledge. Please note that this project has been approved by PLCO. Please also note that this project will be similar in format and conduct to the PLCO Recruitment Project. A copy of the manuscript that describes the PLCO Recruitment Project is included in this application as an attachment.

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