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Principal Investigator
Vanshika Maithani
Graphic Era Hill University
Position Title
Research associate
About this CDAS Project
PLCO (Learn more about this study)
Project ID
Initial CDAS Request Approval
Aug 28, 2023
Lung Health predictor using Machine Learning
The Lung Health Predictor utilizing machine learning is a sophisticated and promising approach to assess and predict
lung health conditions. This innovative method involves the application of advanced algorithms to a meticulously curated
and reliable dataset encompassing a diverse range of patient demographics, medical histories, lifestyle factors, and
diagnostic test results. This dataset ensures the accuracy and robustness of the predictive model by capturing a
comprehensive representation of lung-related parameters. By analyzing this data, the machine learning model can identify
intricate patterns and correlations that may not be discernible through conventional diagnostic methods alone. The result
is a reliable tool that can forecast potential lung health issues, such as respiratory diseases or compromised lung
functions, enabling early interventions and personalized medical strategies. This approach holds significant promise in
revolutionizing healthcare by enhancing diagnostic precision, promoting preventive care, and ultimately improving patient

Certainly, here are some bulleted specific aims for the Lung Health Predictor project using machine learning:
- **Dataset Curation:**
- Gather a comprehensive and diverse dataset comprising medical records, diagnostic test results, lifestyle factors, and
patient demographics to ensure a representative sample.
- **Feature Selection:**
- Identify key features and variables within the dataset that have the most significant impact on lung health outcomes,
using techniques like feature importance scores and correlation analysis.
- **Data Preprocessing:**
- Perform thorough data cleaning, handling missing values, and standardizing formats to ensure the dataset's quality and
- **Algorithm Selection and Tuning:**
- Evaluate various machine learning algorithms (e.g., random forests, support vector machines, neural networks) to
determine the best-performing model for lung health prediction.
- Fine-tune hyperparameters of selected algorithms to optimize their predictive capabilities.
- **Model Training and Validation:**
- Split the dataset into training, validation, and test sets to train the model while preventing overfitting.
- Utilize cross-validation techniques to assess the model's generalizability and stability.
- **Predictive Analysis:**
- Develop a lung health prediction model capable of providing accurate and personalized assessments of an individual's
lung condition based on their input features.
- **Interpretability and Explainability:**
- Incorporate techniques to enhance the model's interpretability, allowing healthcare professionals to understand the
reasoning behind the predictions.
- **Performance Metrics:**
CDAS • PLCO-1293 Research Plan Page 3 Date Generated: 2023-08-17
- Define appropriate evaluation metrics such as accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score to quantitatively measure the
model's predictive performance.
- **Clinical Integration:**
- Collaborate with healthcare experts to validate the model's predictions against clinical diagnoses and real-world patient
- Develop a user-friendly interface or application for clinicians to input patient data and receive instant lung health
- **Ethical Considerations:**
- Ensure patient data privacy and comply with relevant regulations (e.g., HIPAA) during data collection, storage, and
- Address potential biases in the dataset and model predictions to prevent disparities in healthcare.
- **Longitudinal Monitoring:**
- Explore the feasibility of incorporating longitudinal data to track changes in lung health over time, aiding in the early
detection of deterioration.
- **Dissemination and Knowledge Sharing:**
- Document the project's methodologies, findings, and insights in research papers, presentations, or reports for wider
dissemination within the medical and scientific community.
By addressing these specific aims, the Lung Health Predictor project can create a reliable and impactful tool for predicting
lung health conditions using machine learning techniques, contributing to advancements in preventive healthcare and
patient well-being


Dr. Satvik Vats
Dr. Vikrant Sharma
Mr. Manvendra Singh