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Principal Investigator
Nessrin Bukhshim
Ph.D Statistical Modelling on Colon Cancer Tumor
University of South Florida
Position Title
Ph.D. Student at Math & Statistic Department of USF
About this CDAS Project
PLCO (Learn more about this study)
Project ID
Initial CDAS Request Approval
Mar 2, 2022
Statistical Modelling on Colon Cancer
We want to utilize advanced statistical methodologies to identify the significant risk factors and their corresponding interactions that contribute to colon cancer. In addition, we want to build a statistical model that predicts the tumor size of colon cancer data for significant risk factors with significant interactions. We would rank the individual significant risk factors and interactions according to their contributions to estimate a patient tumor size accurately. Also, we will perform a parametric analysis of only the survival times of colon cancer without considering the risk factors, obtaining the survival function, and comparing it with the Kaplan Meier survival function. Then we will assess the survival times, taking into consideration the risk factors and their interactions contributing to the survival times by using Cox proportional hazard (CPH) model.

Goals of study
1. We will utilize advanced statistical methods to identify the individual risk factors and their interaction to build a statistical model of tumor size.

2. We want to rank the risk factor and their interactions according to their percent contribution to colorectal cancer.

3. we will utilize the Cox proportional hazard (CPH) model to investigate the significant risk factors and their two-way significance for the different treatments


1. Nessrin Bukhshim (Doctoral Candidate) .
2. Dr. Chris P. Tsokos (Distinguished University Professor) .