Iron homeostasis and colorectal adenoma risk in the Prostate, Lung, Colorectal & Ovarian (PLCO) Cancer Screening Trial
We hypothesize that increased exposure to iron is a risk factor for colorectal cancer. Therefore, the aims of this study are to investigate whether increased iron exposure is associated with colorectal adenoma, an established precursor of colorectal cancer, in a case-control study nested within a large randomized controlled trial. We specifically plan to investigate: Dietary iron intake, using a novel iron database, in relation to advanced colorectal adenoma risk. The association between body iron status, as bound and free iron, and risk of advanced colorectal adenoma. Polymorphic variation of iron homeostatic genes in relation to iron exposure & advanced colorectal adenoma risk.
Stephen Chanock (CGF, NCI)
Amanda Cross (NCI, DCEG)
Marc Gunter (NCI, DCEG)
Richard Hayes (NCI, DCEG)
Martin Kulldorff (Harvard Medical School)
Richard Wood (Tufts University)
Robert Schoen (University of Pittsburgh)
Rashmi Sinha (NCI, DCEG)
Meredith Yeager (CGF, NCI)
Iron homeostasis and distal colorectal adenoma risk in the prostate, lung, colorectal, and ovarian cancer screening trial.
Cross AJ, Sinha R, Wood RJ, Xue X, Huang WY, Yeager M, Hayes RB, Gunter MJ
Cancer Prev Res (Phila). 2011 Sep; Volume 4 (Issue 9): Pages 1465-75 PUBMED