Multiplexed Assay of Serum Biomarkers for Pancreatic Cancer
We hypothesize that a multi-marker panel would provide the requisite high sensitivity and specificity for early detection of pancreatic cancer, to be utilized for screening of target populations. Our immediate objective is to develop a reliable serum-based assay for early detection of pancreatic cancer based on the longitudinal patterns of multiple biomarkers. To achieve this objective, the following Specific Aims are proposed: 1. Expand the existing multiplexed multimarker assay to include all known pancreatic cancer-associated serum biomarkers. 2. Validate the optimized biomarker panels in an independent case/control test set of over 100 cases of pancreatic cancer, over 50 cases of chronic pancreaitis, and 300 general population controls. 3. Validate these panels in a retrospective longitudinal study (PLCO). Use 200 ml of sera from participants who subsequently developed pancreatic cancer and 200 ml sera from 5 matched controls who did not develop pancreatic cancer.
William Bigbee (University of Pittsburgh GSPH)
Brian Haab (Van Andel Research Institute)
Richard Hayes (NCI, DCEG)
Anna Lokshin (UMPC)
Randall Brand (Evanston Northwestern Healthcare)
Steve Skates (Massachusetts General Hospital)
Joel Weissfeld (University of Pittsburgh)
David Whitcomb (UMPC)
Herbert Zeh (UMPC)
Prediagnostic serum biomarkers as early detection tools for pancreatic cancer in a large prospective cohort study.
Nolen BM, Brand RE, Prosser D, Velikokhatnaya L, Allen PJ, Zeh HJ, Grizzle WE, Huang Y, Lomakin A, Lokshin AE
PLoS ONE. 2014; Volume 9 (Issue 4): Pages e94928 PUBMED