Creation of a nomogram determine endometrial cancer risk in asymptomatic women: a guide to screening biopsy
Principal Investigator
Thomas Chavez
Morehouse School of Medicine
Position Title
Resident Physician
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Project ID
Initial CDAS Request Approval
Sep 14, 2021
Creation of a nomogram determine endometrial cancer risk in asymptomatic women: a guide to screening biopsy
Endometrial cancer is the most common gynecologic cancer affecting industrialized countries, with women having a 3% lifetime risk of developing the condition and an incidence rate of about 28 per 100,000 in 2018. Currently there is no recommendation on routine screening of asymptomatic women. This is due in part to data from the late twentieth century showing that asymptomatic women were at a far less risk of having subclinical disease compared to women with symptoms. However, these studies were performed in patient populations with risk factors and demographics different than is currently seen in 2010's and 2020's. With women living longer, having higher rates of obesity, and having fewer pregnancies, the authors thought that it would be prudent to revisit the idea of asymptomatic screening for endometrial cancer. We seek to devise a nomogram looking at various known risk factors for endometrial cancer development in order to guide clinicians towards or away from recommending endoemtrial sampling be performed in a woman who does not present with the classic "postmenopausal bleeding" herald symptom of endometrial abnormality.
- Development of a nomogram to risk-stratify asymptomatic women for the presence of endometrial cancer
- Improve outcomes in endometrial cancer in select populations that have high disparate outcomes
- Revisit the role of endometrial sampling in asymptomatic women with high risk factors for subclinical endometrial pathology as determined by the nomogram
Regina Lee, M.D. - Morehouse School of Medicine
Roland Matthews, M.D. - Morehouse School of Medicine
Giuseppe Del Priore, M.D., M.P.H. - Morehouse School of Medicine