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Principal Investigator
Michael Donovan
University of Miami
Position Title
Vice Chair Translational Research
About this CDAS Project
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Project ID
Initial CDAS Request Approval
Jul 2, 2021
Use of Artificial Intelligence to develop an automated, outcome-baaed, prostate cancer grading system.
We have developed an AI-digital multi-feature array platform to extract cell and tissue quantitative architectural attributes of various disease processes including prostate cancer. Of relevance, there are an estimated 191,930 new cases of prostate cancer diagnosed in the US in 2020 representing 21% of new cancers in men. The challenge is that early detection of prostate cancer can lead to over treatment without a benefit of improving life expectancy while leading to a negative impact on quality of life. Treatment decisions including surgery, radiation and active surveillance are impacted by the initial grade of the prostate cancer which remains subjective and limited in accurately predicting an outcome.
Over the past 15+ years myself and colleagues from Mount Sinai) have published extensively on the importance of standardizing and quantifying prostate cancer grading systems to improve risk discrimination and most importantly guide treatment. We focused on predicting likelihood of disease recurrence based on retrospective outcomes using the prostate needle biopsy. Although our earlier published studies have focused on the use of quantitative immunofluorescence combined with morphometry, we have been able to advance the field, by automating and quantifying prostate cancer grade solely from the prostate needle biopsy H&E whole slide digital image and then integrating these features with clinical data to predict outcomes. Such approaches, once validated, will allow informed treatment decisions including the use of active surveillance vs more interventional therapy such as surgery or radiation, These types of investigations require large amounts of heterogeneous image and clinical data sets to impact the clinical decision process and ultimately improve upon outcomes.

- Assess correlation of AI-grade with pathologist assigned grade in both the diagnostic needle biopsy and prostatectomy specimen.
- Correlation of prostate needle biopsy Gleason grade with prostatectomy grade and stage.
- Correlation of AI grade with long-term outcomes of PSA recurrence, metastasis and death from prostate cancer
- Redistribution of 3+4 and 4+3 on needle biopsy and association / correlation with prostatectomy dominant Gleason score / grade and stage including outcomes of PSA recurrence, metastasis and death from prostate cancer.
- Role of clinical risk factors including PSA levels, family history, prior biopsy etc with current needle biopsy and prostatectomy AI-grade.


Icahn School of Medicine and Precise Dx