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Principal Investigator
Surabhi Sajith
High School Diploma
BASIS Ahwatukee
Position Title
Research Student
About this CDAS Project
PLCO (Learn more about this study)
Project ID
Initial CDAS Request Approval
Mar 9, 2021
Non-Genetic Risk Factors for Endometrial Cancer
Non-genetic risk factors, including pregnancy, birth control, and obesity/anorexia, can impact the risk of endometrial cancer due to the hormonal impacts related to estrogen and progesterone these factors have. I am studying how non-genetic factors can impact a woman’s risk of endometrial cancer so as to be able to provide more information for women as they pursue hormone related changes to their body. The data is analyzed through a statistical analysis. The findings can be used to help individuals who have used or been associated with the non-genetic risk factors take steps in ensuring long term health, such as by working with their doctor earlier in the diagnosis process or taking hormonal supplements.
While endometrial cancer has been studied to some extent, there has been a lack of patient improvement from this research. New research that can understand more risk factors can be useful for healthcare employees to share with patients to understand if this can increase risk awareness among patients. Furthermore, much of the research is from over 20 years ago despite the shift in trends of body mass index, which can alter a woman’s risk of cancer.
The research from the National Cancer Institute will be used in a statistical study (most likely a chi squared test, T test, or logistic regression) to understand the correlation between the non-genetic risk factors and outcome of cancer.
The broader implications for this research includes understanding risks for endometrial cancer and birth control, recognizing a specific uterine cancer that people aren’t familiar with, and providing updated data since previous research is over 10 years old.

- Understand correlation between non-genetic risk factors (pregnancy, birth control, obesity) and endometrial cancer outcomes via statistical tests
- Recognize the prevalence of the general disease
- Update endometrial cancer research with recent data
- If time permits, suggest resources for patients who are associated with the non-genetic risk factors


Adair Minihan, MPH. American Cancer Society.