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Principal Investigator
Steven Moore
National Cancer Institute
Position Title
About this CDAS Project
PLCO (Learn more about this study)
Project ID
Initial CDAS Request Approval
Feb 3, 2021
Adding metabolite names from PLCO, ATBC studies to COMETS metabolite dictionary
This project aims to add purely descriptive data from PLCO (and ATBC) metabolomics datasets to a public metabolite dictionary for the COMETS consortium. The dictionary will show, for each PLCO dataset, the names of the metabolites available, the total N for that dataset, and the Ns for certain demographics, e.g. N for whites, blacks, Hispanics, different BMI categories etc.

This analysis is currently being coordinated by David Ruggieri of IMS. I have already obtained permission from the investigators involved and am happy to forward their approval e-mails to the contact person assigned to this CDAS. The e-mail that I sent soliciting their approvals is shown below.

Hello Demetrius, Rachael, Erikka, and Neal,

As you may know, over the past year I have been working on cross-tabulating the names of metabolites from metabolomics studies in COMETS (65 cohorts and increasing) and creating publicly accessible metabolite dictionary. This dictionary, among other things, makes it possible for researchers to look up a metabolite and determine which other studies have measured that metabolite, the N for each study, the total N overall, and many other details.

ATBC and PLCO are participating in COMETS and the metabolites in ATBC and PLCO datasets through approximately 2018 are in our dictionary. However, more recent datasets are not included. I’m circling back to you now to ask if you if I can include metabolite names from more recent datasets.

Do you permit the inclusion of metabolite names from our recently acquired metabolomics data into this dictionary? If yes, you can just respond “Yes”.

This is just names, not any actual metabolite measurements.


--We aim to add purely descriptive data from PLCO (and ATBC) metabolomics datasets to a public metabolite dictionary for the COMETS consortium


David Ruggieri, Demetrius Albanes, Rachael Stolzenberg-Solomon, Erikka Loftfield, Neal Freedman