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Principal Investigator
Herbert Yu
University of Hawaii Cancer Center
Position Title
About this CDAS Project
PLCO (Learn more about this study)
Project ID
Initial CDAS Request Approval
Jun 14, 2021
Using circulating metabolomes to understand pancreatic cancer genotype and phenotype and to explore their potential for risk assessment and early detection
Pancreatic cancer is one of the most lethal malignancies, but our understanding of the disease in prevention, detection and treatment remains limited. Somatic mutations occur frequently to Kras, p16, p53 and Smad4 in the cancer. These changes lead to malignant transformation which develops unique transcriptomes that alter cell metabolism in order to meet the need of tumor growth. The interplay among the genome, transcriptome and metabolome in pancreatic cancer is poorly understood. Research to dissect these interactions may help to elucidate the mechanistic impact of genetic mutation on gene expression and cell metabolism as well as their connection to pancreatic cancer risk factors. Our preliminary data suggest that we can use genetic variations to predict gene expression profiles related to tumor mutation phenotype and potentially link the profiles to tumor metabolomes for better understanding of the interplay between mutation phenotype and metabolic outcomes. Evidence also suggests that pancreatic cancer patients have a unique metabolome which is present not only in local tissue, but also in the circulation. Analyzing and understanding the circulating metabolome of pancreatic cancer may offer new insights into the disease etiology and provide new opportunities for early detection of the disease. A human metabolome contains metabolites from both human and microbiota. Oral and gut microbiota in human, especially porphyromonas gingivalis, have been found in association with pancreatic cancer. However, little is known about the role of microbial metabolites in the disease and their relationship with genetic mutation. To address these issues, we propose to analyze pre-diagnostic metabolomes in the blood samples in a large case-control study that will be nested from five ethnically diverse cohorts, including PLCO. In the study, we will identify metabolomics signatures representing specific mutation phenotype of pancreatic cancer for better understanding of the disease etiology, examine the role of microbiome in pancreatic cancer by interrogating microbial metabolites in the circulation and analyzing their associations with mutation phenotypes and risk factors of pancreatic cancer, as well as test and validate specific metabolites that are useful for early detection of pancreatic cancer in multiple racial and ethnic groups. Through the study, we will generate valuable metabolomics data on pancreatic cancer, which will help to understand the disease mechanisms and offer unique opportunities for identifying new biomarkers for risk assessment and early detection, both of which are crucial for reducing the burden of this devastating disease.

Pancreatic cancer is one of the deadliest malignancies with less than 10% survival rate within 5-years of diagnosis. The disease etiology is believed to be multifactorial including both genetic and environmental factors, and the malignant tumor manifests unique molecular phenotypes resulting from several somatic mutations. Based on these understandings, we hypothesize that gene-environment interactions induce somatic mutations that lead to malignant transformation of cells in the exocrine pancreas. The transformation alters cell transcriptomes which change cell metabolisms. Based on the hypothesis, we speculate that distinct metabolomes, which are detectable in the circulation, are associated with specific transcriptomes which are connected to somatic mutations in the tumor. We further think that the metabolomic changes involve specific microbial metabolites implicated in the disease and that some of the metabolites are useful for early detection of pancreatic cancer. To test our hypothesis, we propose a nested case-control study with 3 specific aims.
Aim 1. To identify metabolomic signatures representing specific mutation phenotypes of pancreatic cancer for better understanding of the disease etiology. To achieve this aim, we will use high-throughput methods to analyze the metabolomes of 1,448 pancreatic cancer patients and 2,896 matched controls selected from 5 prospective cohorts, including the Multiethnic Cohort (MEC), the Prostate, Lung, Colorectal and Ovarian Cancer Screening Trial (PLCO), the Shanghai Men and Women Health Cohorts (SMHS/SWHS) and the Southern Community Cohort Study (SCCS). The metabolomic profiles will be interrogated in pre-diagnostic plasma with bioinformatics tools and GWAS data to identify metabolomic signatures implicated in specific mutation phenotypes.
Aim 2. To examine the role of microbiome in pancreatic cancer by analyzing microbial metabolites in pre-diagnostic plasma and assessing their associations with mutation phenotypes and risk factors of pancreatic cancer. Using our unique reference library and protocols established for identifying microbial metabolites, we will interrogate the metabolomes of pancreatic cancer and compare the profiles with healthy controls to find microbial metabolites that are associated with pancreatic cancer and its risk factors. We will also examine the relationship between microbial metabolites and mutation phenotypes to assess the involvement of microbiota in pancreatic cancer etiology.
Aim 3. To test and validate specific metabolites that are useful for early detection of pancreatic cancer in different racial and ethnic groups. To achieve this aim, we will interrogate the pre-diagnostic metabolomes of pancreatic cancer to identify distinct metabolites for the disease. The differential metabolites will be cross-validated in each cohort and tested for sensitivity and specificity in racial/ethnic diverse populations while adjusting for covariates and confounders. We will also evaluate the time dependence of biomarkers prior to diagnosis and test their specificity in comparison to other types of cancer.
The proposed study will provide new insights into the relationship of mutation, transcription and metabolism in pancreatic cancer, which will help to understand the disease mechanisms and offer opportunities to develop novel methods for risk assessment and early detection, both of which are important for reducing the burden of pancreatic cancer.


Herbert Yu (University of Hawaii Cancer Center)
Wei Jia (University of Hawaii Cancer Center)
Loic Le Marchand (University of Hawaii Cancer Center)
Lynne Wilkens (University of Hawaii Cancer Center)
Lang Wu (University of Hawaii Cancer Center)
Xiao-ou Shu (Vanderbilt University School of Medicine)
Wendy Setiawa (University of Southern California School of Medicine)