Diet and lifestyle factors and lung cancer risk and mortality: Classification and regression tree analysis
1.To explore a variety of dietary, demographic and lifestyle variables (including race, age, gender, BMI, physical activity, occupation, education, tobacco smoking, alcohol use, NSAID use, and metformin use) and their interactions as predictors of lung cancer incidence using classification and regression tree analysis.
2.To examine which of these correlated risk factors is most important for risk stratification in lung cancer overall and stratified by histology (small cell lung cancer versus non-small lung cancer), and smoking status.
3.To investigate the risk factors (in particular, including hormone use) among females and the multilevel interactions with dietary and other lifestyle variables.
4.To assess the predictor factors of survival among lung cancer patients.
5. To assess prior personal history of cancer and its impact on lung cancer risk and mortality. We will also assess the interactions between personal history of cancer and smoking metrics (detailed smoking history, age at starting, age at stopping, pack years, age since quitting), family history of lung cancer, and other lifestyle factors on lung cancer risks and mortality.
Dietary phytoestrogen intake and lung cancer risk: an analysis of the Prostate, Lung, Colorectal and Ovarian (PLCO) cancer screening trial.
Wang Q, Ru M, Zhang Y, Kurbanova T, Boffetta P
Carcinogenesis. 2021 Aug 9 PUBMED