Estimating the probability of overdiagnosis in PLCO trial
• Develop a model to estimate the probability of overdiagnosis.
• Study the asymptotic property of the estimate.
• Apply the model and method to each screening modality in the PLCO trial.
I need the following data from each of screening modalities:
1. Control group:
nc = number of cancers diagnosed clinically,
Nc = sample size of control group.
2. Intervention group:
nrc = number of cancers diagnosed clinically in the refusal group,
Nrc = number of individuals in the refusal group,
nsc = number of cancers detected by a screening modality,
nic = number of interval cancers from a screening modality,
Ni = sample size of intervention group.
pn = post screen cases in the intervention arm.
Philip C. Prorok
Division of Cancer Prevention
National Cancer Institute