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Principal Investigator
Robert Henderson
B.A. , M.S. (In Progress)
George Mason University
Position Title
Master of Science Graduate Student
About this CDAS Project
PLCO (Learn more about this study)
Project ID
Initial CDAS Request Approval
Nov 13, 2018
Public Policy Recommendations Towards Colorectal Screenings
Requesting the colorectal data to explore the importance of screenings. Looking to see the endoscopy results to see the age which diagnosed. Earlier detection could prove to be cheaper and provide better health outcomes. Those with a family history may want to be seen at an earlier age. I want to see the treatments. I want the full data set to support my hypothesis that we need to so more to spread awareness and catch colon cancer at an earlier stage. I have family members that waited too long until stage 3. Some were young and strong enough to fight it, but others weren't so lucky.

Spread awareness about the importance of screenings
Persuade those my like family members who have a history in the family to get screened at an earlier age
Recommend policy and programs to raise the awareness


Dr. Alexander Brodsky at George Mason University