Diet and risk of glioma in the PLCO Study
This study is suitable for the PLCO cohort because detailed prospective information on demographics and diet was collected from study participants of both intervention and control arms on the Baseline Questionnaire (BQ) at baseline and on the Diet History Questionnaire (DHQ) at about 5 years into the trial, respectively. Further, incident cancer is ascertained actively and reliably in this cohort and a sufficient number of glioma cases have been recorded during the follow-up period.
We plan to investigate the risk of glioma in relation to dietary patterns, which take account of interaction between diets. We will develop dietary indices that measure adherence to specific dietary patterns such as the Mediterranean Diet Score, the Healthy Eating Index and the World Cancer Research Fund/ American Institute of Cancer Research Score. Besides, we also plan to investigate risk of glioma in relation to major food groups (e.g. fruit, vegetable, meat), macronutrients (e.g. carbohydrate, protein, fat, fibre) and micronutrients (e.g. beta-carotene, vitamin C).
Jane Green (University of Oxford, Cancer Epidemiology Unit)
Siân Sweetland (University of Oxford, Cancer Epidemiology Unit)
Cari Kitahara (National Cancer Institute, Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics)
Amy Berrington (National Cancer Institute, Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics)
Diet and risk of glioma: combined analysis of 3 large prospective studies in the UK and USA.
Kuan AS, Green J, Kitahara CM, Berrington De González A, Key T, K Reeves G, Floud S, Balkwill A, Bradbury K, Liao LM, Freedman ND, Beral V, Sweetland S, Million Women Study, the NIH-AARP study, and the PLCO study
Neuro Oncol. 2019 Jul 11; Volume 21 (Issue 7): Pages 944-952 PUBMED