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ConvLSTM coordinated longitudinal transformer under spatio-temporal features for tumor growth prediction.
Pubmed ID
37562325 (View this publication on the PubMed website)
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Comput Biol Med. 2023 Aug 7; Volume 164: Pages 107313
Ma M, Zhang X, Li Y, Wang X, Zhang R, Wang Y, Sun P, Wang X, Sun X
  • College of Computer Science & Engineering, Northwest Normal University, Lanzhou, 730070, China.
  • College of Computer Science & Engineering, Northwest Normal University, Lanzhou, 730070, China. Electronic address:
  • Department of Pharmacy, The People's Hospital of Gansu Province, Lanzhou, 730000, China.

Accurate quantification of tumor growth patterns can indicate the development process of the disease. According to the important features of tumor growth rate and expansion, physicians can intervene and diagnose patients more efficiently to improve the cure rate. However, the existing longitudinal growth model can not well analyze the dependence between tumor growth pixels in the long space-time, and fail to effectively fit the nonlinear growth law of tumors. So, we propose the ConvLSTM coordinated longitudinal Transformer (LCTformer) under spatiotemporal features for tumor growth prediction. We design the Adaptive Edge Enhancement Module (AEEM) to learn static spatial features of different size tumors under time series and make the depth model more focused on tumor edge regions. In addition, we propose the Growth Prediction Module (GPM) to characterize the future growth trend of tumors. It consists of a Longitudinal Transformer and ConvLSTM. Based on the adaptive abstract features of current tumors, Longitudinal Transformer explores the dynamic growth patterns between spatiotemporal CT sequences and learns the future morphological features of tumors under the dual views of residual information and sequence motion relationship in parallel. ConvLSTM can better learn the location information of target tumors, and it complements Longitudinal Transformer to jointly predict future imaging of tumors to reduce the loss of growth information. Finally, Channel Enhancement Fusion Module (CEFM) performs the dense fusion of the generated tumor feature images in the channel and spatial dimensions and realizes accurate quantification of the whole tumor growth process. Our model has been strictly trained and tested on the NLST dataset. The average prediction accuracy can reach 88.52% (Dice score), 89.64% (Recall), and 11.06 (RMSE), which can improve the work efficiency of doctors.

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