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About this Publication
Using Sequential Decision Making to Improve Lung Cancer Screening Performance.
Pubmed ID
32754420 (View this publication on the PubMed website)
Digital Object Identifier
IEEE Access. 2019; Volume 7: Pages 119403-119419
Petousis P, Winter A, Speier W, Aberle DR, Hsu W, Bui AAT
  • UCLA Bioengineering Department, Los Angeles, CA 90095, USA.
  • Department of Radiological Sciences, UCLA Medical and Imaging Informatics, Los Angeles, CA 90095, USA.

Globally, lung cancer is responsible for nearly one in five cancer deaths. The National Lung Screening Trial (NLST) demonstrated the efficacy of low-dose computed tomography (LDCT) to identify early-stage disease, setting the basis for widespread implementation of lung cancer screening programs. However, the specificity of LDCT lung cancer screening is suboptimal, with a significant false positive rate. Representing this imaging-based screening process as a sequential decision making problem, we combined multiple machine learning-based methods to learn a partially-observable Markov decision process that simultaneously optimizes lung cancer detection while enhancing test specificity. Using NLST data, we trained a dynamic Bayesian network as an observational model and used inverse reinforcement learning to discover a rewards function based on experts' decisions. Our resultant predictive model decreased the false positive rate while maintaining a high true positive rate at a level comparable to human experts. Our model also detected a number of lung cancers earlier.

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