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About this Publication
Joint effects between five identified risk variants, allergy, and autoimmune conditions on glioma risk.
Pubmed ID
23903690 (View this publication on the PubMed website)
Digital Object Identifier
Cancer Causes Control. 2013 Oct; Volume 24 (Issue 10): Pages 1885-91
Safaeian M, Rajaraman P, Hartge P, Yeager M, Linet M, Butler MA, Ruder AM, Purdue MP, Hsing A, Beane-Freeman L, Hoppin JA, Albanes D, Weinstein SJ, Inskip PD, Brenner A, Rothman N, Chatterjee N, Gillanders EM, Chanock SJ, Wang SS
  • Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics, National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD, USA,

Common variants in two of the five genetic regions recently identified from genome-wide association studies (GWAS) of risk of glioma were reported to interact with a history of allergic symptoms. In a pooled analysis of five epidemiologic studies, we evaluated the association between the five GWAS implicated gene variants and allergies and autoimmune conditions (AIC) on glioma risk (851 adult glioma cases and 3,977 controls). We further evaluated the joint effects between allergies and AIC and these gene variants on glioma risk. Risk estimates were calculated as odds ratios (OR) and 95 % confidence intervals (95 % CI), adjusted for age, gender, and study. Joint effects were evaluated by conducting stratified analyses whereby the risk associations (OR and 95 % CI) with the allergy or autoimmune conditions for glioma were evaluated by the presence or absence of the 'at-risk' variant, and estimated p interaction by fitting models with the main effects of allergy or autoimmune conditions and genotype and an interaction (product) term between them. Four of the five SNPs previously reported by others were statistically significantly associated with increased risk of glioma in our study (rs2736100, rs4295627, rs4977756, and rs6010620); rs498872 was not associated with glioma in our study. Reporting any allergies or AIC was associated with reduced risks of glioma (allergy: adjusted OR = 0.71, 95 % CI 0.55-0.91; AIC: adjusted OR = 0.65, 95 % CI 0.47-0.90). We did not observe differential association between allergic or autoimmune conditions and glioma by genotype, and there were no statistically significant p interactions. Stratified analysis by glioma grade (low and high grade) did not suggest risk differences by disease grade. Our results do not provide evidence that allergies or AIC modulate the association between the four GWAS-identified SNPs examined and risk of glioma.

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