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Posted on June 11, 2014, 1 a.m. in NLST

Data on non-lung cancer and AJCC 7 lung cancer stage have been added to the NLST datasets.

For all non-lung cancers diagnosed during NLST, the ICD-O-3 code and timing of diagnosis (days from randomization) are now available in the participant dataset.

For all lung cancers diagnosed during NLST, the overall AJCC 7 stage has been added to the participant dataset, and more detailed AJCC 7 information (pathologic and clinical TNM components) is in the lung cancer dataset.

All previously available data remain available and essentially unchanged. No datasets, variables, or records were deleted. A few existing variables had their values change.

  • In the progression dataset, the "site" variables were corrected so that every instance of lung cancer progression has data on the site of progression. Previously, some instances of progression had all site variables set to “No”, which was incorrect.
  • In the participant dataset, values were corrected (from “No” to “Missing”) for some baseline variables (work history, disease history). These changes should be inconsequential for most analyses. They affected fewer than 1000 participants, and no single variable changed for more than 202 participants.

New NLST lung cancer staging data added:

New NLST non-long cancer data added: