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The following IDATA NIH-AARP Study PAQ dataset(s) are available for delivery on CDAS. For each dataset, a Data Dictionary that describes the data is publicly available. In order to obtain the actual data in SAS or CSV format, you must begin a data-only request. Data will be delivered once the project is approved and data transfer agreements are completed.

To learn more about the NIH-AARP Study PAQ data collected as part of the study, visit the IDATA NIH-AARP Study PAQ documentation page.

Datasets and Data Dictionaries

Files Description
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 422.3 KB)
1. The NIH-AARP Study PAQ dataset (1,082 records for 1,082 participants) contains one record per participant.
Data Dictionary
(PDF - 203.3 KB)
2. The NIH-AARP Study PAQ Accounting dataset (1,082 records for 1,082 participants) contains one record per participant provides a summary of who has AARP data.