Using Self-reported Baseline Questionnaire Data from the PLCO Trial to Create a Three-Outcome Absolute Risk Model for Breast, Ovarian and Endometrial Cancer
1. Develop individual relative risk models for ovarian, breast, and endometrial cancer using the self-reported data from the baseline questionnaire of PLCO. Exposures of interest include demographics, reproductive variables, family history of cancer, and other health factors. 2. Develop a combined relative risk model that estimates the probability of developing the first of the three cancers (ovarian, breast, or endometrial) using the same exposure data. 3. Apply absolute risk estimates to SEER data in order to create a 3-outcome absolute risk model that will predict an individual woman's chance of developing the first of the three cancer outcomes.
Patricia Hartge (Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics)
Robert Greenlee (Marshfield Clinic Research Foundation)
Ruth Pfeiffer (Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics)