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Principal Investigator
Aria Pezeshk
Position Title
Research Fellow
About this CDAS Project
NLST (Learn more about this study)
Project ID
Initial CDAS Request Approval
Jan 13, 2015
Deep learning and compact feature representations for medical image analysis
Deep learning is a recent approach in machine learning that is well-suited for complex classification tasks which require highly nonlinear behavior and large learning capacity. Unlike traditional techniques, deep learning is highly scalable to big data problems which make it the ideal tool for scouring the enormous quantity of medical data collected every day. Artificial intelligence methods traditionally extract useful attributes of the data using feature extraction techniques. In addition, to learn data patterns, these methods require data labeling, e.g., training cases that are labeled as diseased versus non-diseased. In contrast, deep learning techniques can utilize raw unlabeled data to automatically discover critical patterns for classification and can therefore significantly reduce the burden in preparation and pre-processing of data by clinical experts. Since its introduction only a few years ago, this technique has outperformed other approaches in artificial intelligence by wide margins across a large range of applications, and reached human levels of accuracy for the first time in several tasks. These remarkable results have led to a rapid expansion of deep learning into both commercial and research settings. Only a few studies have so far explored using this technique for medical applications. In this project we will focus on using deep learning across several medical application areas in order to fill the knowledge gap and to demonstrate the multi-functional capabilities of this promising technology in solving problems that can benefit public health both in common practice of medicine and for development of medical countermeasures during emergencies. In our first study in the series, we will use two deep learning architectures referred to as restricted Boltzmann machines (RBMs), and deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) to investigate learning 3D features from large libraries of chest CT scans in a computer aided diagnosis (CAD) system for pulmonary nodule detection. We plan to pre-train the deep learning models using the large number of scans available from the NLST dataset, and subsequently test the performance of a CAD system trained on the learned features on labeled cases from the LIDC dataset.
In a second study, we plan to build a deep-learning system for characterization of dataset complexity. An important issue in comparing the performance of different CAD systems is that different systems are often tested on distinct datasets that contain different levels of case or lesion complexity. If lesions in different datasets can be grouped into categories such as difficult, medium and easy to detect, comparison of two systems within each category can be more meaningful. Deep learning is suited for this categorization because it can discover useful features given unlabeled data, i.e., sets of lesions without a complexity rating, followed by supervised training with a small set of lesions with complexity ratings from a panel of experts. In our second study, we will use the learned 3D feature to train a system that can accurately predict a subtlety rating for lesions in a dataset. The predicted ratings from different datasets can then be compared to assess their corresponding levels of complexity.

The specific outcomes of our project are listed as follows. First, our studies will help close a critical knowledge gap within the medical research community regarding the effectiveness of big data analytics methods such as deep learning in improving everyday practice of medicine as well as during national or global medical emergencies. Similar to many research and commercial settings that have already seen major benefits from recent advances in deep learning in analyzing big data, it is only natural to expect similar gains in applications that pertain to public health. Second, we will make the software tools, datasets, and publications created in this project publicly available for companies and individuals. Given that pre-trained deep learning models can be later fine-tuned for various specific applications, both the general system architectures and pre-trained networks that we will make available are expected to greatly facilitate the development of tailored models for specific purposes. Third, we plan to build the software and hardware infrastructure necessary for training deep learning classifiers. Training deep learning classifiers involves several unique aspects such as specialized software that run on graphics processing units (GPUs), and strategies to reduce over-fitting and computation time. This platform will be made available alongside with training material to other researchers within FDA for future use in the variety of applications that could benefit from this powerful technology. Fourth, in addition to making new analytic tools available to FDA researchers, this project will also contribute to ensuring that safe and effective devices reach the market in a timely manner.


Dr. Berkman Sahiner, FDA/CDRH/OSEL/DIDSR
Dr. Adam Wunderlich, FDA/CDRH/OSEL/DIDSR
Dr. Nicholas Petrick, FDA/CDRH/OSEL/DIDSR