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Principal Investigator
William Hocking
Marshfield Clinic
About this CDAS Project
PLCO (Learn more about this study)
Project ID
Initial CDAS Request Approval
Jul 1, 2006
Develop a Definitive Work-Up for Positive Lung Screening Exam
This study is a descriptive study that will document and analyse the patterns of diagnostic evaluation occurring after a positive screen for lung cancer in PLCO.

The hypothesis is that there is substantial variability in the approach to diagnostic evaluation of an abnormal chest radiograph suspicious for lung cancer. Specific aims include: 1. Documentation of the patterns of diagnostic evaluation following AS lung screen result. 2. Evaluate the diagnostic hierarchy of studies after AS screen, and evaluate patterns using flow charts. 3. Determine the methods by which lung cancer diagnosis is established. 4. Determine the influence of the type of radiographic AS finding, smoking history, gender, family history on diagnostic approach. 5. Determine the incidence and pattern of interval cancers occurring after an AS screen with subsequent negative diagnostic evaluation. 6. Compare patterns of diagnostic evaluation of AS screen by screening center (e.g. geography).


Martin Oken (University of Minnesota)
Paul Kvale (Henry Ford Health System)
Martin Tammemagi (Henry Ford Health Systems)

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