Cause of death in the NLST and PLCO: comparison of death certificates and endpoint adjudication
We will be updating NLST tables and findings that we presented at the Society for Clinical Trials meetings in 2012.
1. Look at agreement with regard to lung cancer death (versus not lung cancer death) between death certificate cause of death and EVP cause of death. Explore by study in addition to independent of study arm
2. Compare final interim analyses using DC LC cause of death and EVP LC cause of death as outcome.
3. Look at patterns of change among those participants whose cause of death changed from lung cancer to not lung cancer after EVP review.
4. publish this in a paper - submit paper to Clinical Trials
Tony Miller (U of Toronto)
Ilana Gareen (Brown)
Phil Prorok (NCI)
Jennifer Rosenbaum (Westat)
Nancy Payte (Westat)
Paul Doria-Rose (NCI)
Kristen Keating (Westat)
Brenda Brewer (Westat)
Heather Rozjabek (Drexel)
Josh Rathmell (IMS)
Kathy Clingan (Westat)
Tom Riley (IMS)
Susan Yurgalevitch (Westat)
Amy Miller (Westat)
Did death certificates and a death review process agree on lung cancer cause of death in the National Lung Screening Trial?
Marcus PM, Doria-Rose VP, Gareen IF, Brewer B, Clingan K, Keating K, Rosenbaum J, Rozjabek HM, Rathmell J, Sicks J, Miller AB
Clin Trials. 2016 Mar PUBMED