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Principal Investigator
Dae Hee Han
Seoul St. Mary's Hospital
Position Title
Associate Professor
About this CDAS Project
NLST (Learn more about this study)
Project ID
Initial CDAS Request Approval
Mar 26, 2013
Effect of Size Equalization on the accuracy of Visual Interval Comparison of Lung Opacities
Most patients undergo repeat CT with the FOV (field of view) different from the original CT, making it difficult for the radiologist to evaluate the interval changes of lung opacities. The current project aims to evaluate the performance of Sizequalizer, an application featured in Viewrex (Techeim, Korea) PACS (picture archive and communication system). By compensating the difference in FOVs, Sizeqalizer allows the objects in two different CT images to be magnified to the same degree in relation to their actual sizes, regardless of the FOV of the CT scans.

We aim to create virtual cases of CT follow up, which will be made by digital merging of artificial nodule shadows with clinical CT images (NCI library). We will evaluate how the use of Sizeqalizer affects the accuracy of in the assessment of the growth, regression and stability of lung nodules on repeat CT.

To find out whether the difference in CT image size should be corrected for an accurate follow up of lung opacities


Dae Hee Han, Hyun Jung Kim, Jung Im Jung, Myeong Im Ahn,
Bae-Young Lee, Michael Yong Park,