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Principal Investigator
Anita Blazevic
FH Technikum Vienna
Position Title
About this CDAS Project
NLST (Learn more about this study)
Project ID
Initial CDAS Request Approval
Mar 27, 2024
AI-assisted Lung Nodule Detection in Radiology
A Convulational Neural Network (CNN) is to be developed by using Python Deep Learning methods. This CNN is supposed to detect Lung Nodules in CT images automatically by using image segmentation, meaning that the images are sliced into small segments and then the algorithm examines eaach slice and therefore detects anomlies. To achieve this there different datasets of CT images implemented into different layers of the network. Firstly the algorithm declares what a "normal" lung-CT looks like and then gets trained to differentiate between a normal and an abnormal CT.

The aim of this project is to develop a Convulational Neural Network (CNN) which can automatically detect Lung Nodules in CT images. The algorithm is supposed to be trained with CT images which are both benign and malignant to help the algorithm to differentiate between the two categories. In the end a statistic is supposed to show the specificity of the Lung Nodule Detection based on the already evaluated CT images.


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